Chapter 29

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Why did I say that to her? I can't believe myself. Y/n ran out of the door because of that. I hate it when we fight but this time I really said something stupid.
„Y/n wait!" I said regretting everything I told her. But she didn't listen, she didn't even look back at me, she just ran out of the door and down the driveway along the street.
I couldn't just let her go, so I ran after her. She was fast and already a few metres in front of me. I had to forget all the pain I had in my back and just had to go through it.
I could tell she started crying.
„Y/n....wait!" I called still running as fast as I could.
I finally managed to catch her and grabbed her arm.
„W-wait Y/n.." I said out of breath. „I didn't mean-„

She pulled away her arm and walked away again.
I ran after her again.
„Y/n just sto-„ That's when the pain sht through my back and I couldn't take it anymore and let out a painful scream. It hurt so much, I bend down, holding my back.

„Harry!" I heard Y/n yelling. I heard her footsteps and how they got closer to me. I felt her hands on my shoulders and how she gently pulled me up.
„I'm sorry." Y/n told me.

„No Y/n, don't be sorry, you have notjing to apologize for. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm not ashamed of you, surely not! How could I? You are my everything." I told her.

„Then why is it such a big problem for you to take one stupid picture?"

„It's not a's's just I want to protect you.." I said.

„Protect me from what?"

„From the media, from the internet and social media and everything..." I explained.

„Harry we already talked about this, I got used to it by now, I can handle it."

„I'm just scared it's gonna ruin our relationship at some destroyed every other relationship I had and I don't want that to happen again." I told her.

She smiled at me and laid her hands on my cheek.

„Harry I love you and I couldn't imagine a life without you anymore...don't worry about me,   I'm not gonna go anywhere, not without you..."

I nodded and a few seconds later her lips met mine... She hugged me and laid her head against my chest.

„I hate it when we fight..." she whispered.

„Me too."

„Let's get you home now, you overstressed your back because of me." She said.

„It's okay Y/n, I'd do anything for you."

„Oh, don't act like a hero Styles."

„I'm not!" I laughed.

„Mhmm.." she smiled and looked at me up and down.
She placed my hand into mine and we walked back down the street.
„You know what I read today?" she asked me while I typed in the code to open the door.

„No what did you read?" I asked.

„I saw an article where it said that yoga would help if you have backpains. I thought you could try that. What do you think?"

„I would try anything that could help." I told her.

„Great, you don't even have to go somewhere for that, you can just do it at home."

„That's good." I said.

She opened the door and we got into the house. The food she got earlier was still warm laying on the table.

„Are you hungry Harry? I got your favourite."

„I'm really hungry actually, yeah, thank you." I said and kissed her forehead.

„That's a good sign, that means your back is better?" She asked.

„It is, now the pain goes for a few minutes and then comes again, it like comes and goes at intervals."

„Good, here sit down." She said and got us some plates and cutlery to eat."

„Hey uhm, I planned something for a few weeks now but couldn't do it because of my back but since it's slowly getting better I want to do it now." Harry said clearly nervous because he was playing with his rings on his fingers and looked down on the table and I know that's what he does when he is nervous.

„What is it?" I asked while sitting down and opening the bags with our food in them.

„I would like to take you out again." he said finally looking at me.

I looked up realizing he was looking straight into my eyes waiting for an answer.

„I'd love to go out with was quite a while since we were on a date the last time."

His reaction was priceless. He looked so happy and smiled at me with his sparkly, beautiful eyes. I loved spending time with him, just the two of us on a romantic date. He always makes it so special.
I love the fact that he is still nervous when he is asking me out even though we are together and dating for months now.

We finished eating and spent the rest of the night outside in the backyard on the swing bench. He was sitting on the bench while I laid on it with my head on his lap. Harry was stroking my hair and his other hand was placed in mine.
„I love it out here, with you." I said.

„Remember when we sat here at that party I invited you to before we started dating?Watching the was when I realized I was falling for you." he told me.

„I always had a crush on you Harry, since I met you for the first time...when I entered the arena that day for the first time, I was so nervous because it was my first day of working with you all and I was so young. But as soon as I stepped in that arena, my eyes met yours. You guys were on stage, in the middle of your soundcheck but you were the one that still came down the stage and were the first one to greet and welcome me to the crew. I immediately felt safe and comfortable.
You walked right towards me, at first I thought you were walking past me...." I started to tell the story.

„That's why you turned around and looked for someone behind you, now I finally get it." he said.

„You remember?" I asked.

„Of course I remember, it's when we met the first time, how could I forget?" he said smiling down at me.

„When I didn't see anyone behind me, I turned around again and there you were. Standing right in front of me, smiling at me and stretching your arms out to hug me. I was still a little bit out of breath because I was scared of being late on my first day.
I loved that hug you gave me and never forgot how it felt.
You squeezed me tight and I smelled your lovely perfume.
You wore a white shirt and black pants. You had white converse on and wore your paper plane necklace that I wear now and your hair was much shorter." I told him squeezing his bun that he made with his hair.

„And you wore a beautiful purple blouse and grey pants. You had your black vans on that you wear all the time. You looked beautiful." he told me.

I was flattered that he remembered every detail after these few years...

„It was the 25th May 2012...." Harry added.

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