Chapter 40

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35 weeks
I woke up the next morning feeling miserable. The fall yesterday might have been too much for my pregnant body. My body ached all over and my head was pounding.
„Y/n are you home?" I heard Gemma's voice calling me from downstairs.

„I'm in bed" I called back with a slightly raspy voice.

„Everything ok?" She asked as her head appeared around the bedroom door. She had a concerned look on her face when she walked in.

„I'm fine." I let out as I pushed myself into a sitting position and my hand immediately went to my bump as a pain shot through my belly.
I winced as the pain slowly eased up.

„You don't look so good Y/n, are you sure everything is fine." Gemma walked towards me. She sat down next to me and tucked my hair behind my ears.

„I think yesterdays fall was a bit too much for me." I told her with my hand massaging my bump to make the pain go away.

„What's wrong Y/n?" she asked again still concerned.

„It's nothing." I tried to let it go but I could see in Gemma's face that she wasn't convinced at all.

„I just keep getting a pain, a weird shooting pain around my bump."

„You're not in labour right? It would be too early." Gemma said.

„No, I don't think so, it's just uncomfortable." I rubbed my bump at the realization that I couldn't remember when I'd last felt the baby move. My heart immediately started racing.

„Should I call Harry?" Gemma suggested already grabbing her phone.

„No he's working, I think I just need to rest." I tried to remember if I felt the baby move this morning, I was so exhausted, that I couldn't remember. Surely I had, the baby usually moves every morning.

„I can't remember the last time I felt the baby move..." I admitted quietly.

„Maybe it's sleeping." she said looking even more concerned.

„You should drink a hot tea and try to wake her up. Wait here." Gemma suggested and left the room.

I got out of bed and changed into a comfy outfit, a pair of leggings and a black shirt. I followed Gemma downstairs but this time extra careful.
I was so used to feeling the movement, it got so natural to me. I knew what was normal and what wasn't and not being able to remember the last time I felt the baby move, wasn't normal.

„I heard if you drink something hot it will wake up the baby, here try it." She handed me over a hot cup of tea.
I nodded and started drinking it, what almost burned my tongue and my throat. I drank up and handed the cup back to Gemma.

„Anything?" Gemma asked hoping it worked.

I shook my head. My heart sank as I felt nothing.
„Maybe it takes a while for it to work?" I asked.

„Actually, it should be pretty instant." Gemma said.

I stood there in silence.

„Y/n I don't like this, please let me call Harry or doctor Cooper or someone."

„I need to call doctor Cooper..." I told her and Gemma instantly handed me over my phone.


„Answer your damn phone." I huffed out as I just ended another missed call to Harry.
„What is he doing today anyways?" Gemma asked as we were on our way to the hospital.
As I told doctor Cooper about the baby she told me to get straight to the hospital to get checked out again.

„He has to shoot that music video with the boys." I told her.

We got to the hospital and headed to the maternity wing. A nurse with light blue scrubs was waiting for me there. It looked like doctor Cooper already informed some people that I was coming.
I couldn't help but look at it as meaning there was something wong.

„Hi Y/n I'm nurse Olivia. If you could follow me, we'll take you straight for a scan and have a look at what's going on in there." she explained and smiled at me. But it did nothing to calm me down.

„Do you want me to come with you or should I wait here and try to reach Harry?" Gemma asked.

Despite I really wanted Harry by my side now, I knew I didn't want to go through this alone.

„Please come with me." I said. My voice sounded scared.

„I can ask the receptionist to continue trying to contact your partner for you." Nurse Olivia suggested.

„Thank you." I whispered and nodded to her idea.

We walked down the corridor together. The only things I could hear were my footsteps and my racing heart together with the sound of my heavy breathing.

The nurse led me into an empty scan room.

„Have you experienced any bleeding?" Nurse Olivia asked as I placed myself on the bed and took my jacket off.

„No, none." I answered and pulled up my shirt.

„Any pain?" she asked looking through my notes that she got from doctor Cooper.

„Yes, I as feeling a shooting pain around here." I told her and gestured to my bump.

„Are you still feeling that pain?" The nurse asked as she turned to my face.

„Not as intensely now." I admitted.

„Okay, make yourself comfortable we'll take a look at the baby now." she said smiling at me.

I rolled my pants down and laid down.

„Let's see what's going on here." she smiled as she spread the gel over my bump.
Gemma was by my side holding my hand and in her other holding my phone.

„Did Harry call back?" I asked her as the nurse was looking at the monitor.
Gemma shaked her head and gave my hand a gentle sqeeze.

„You can calm down sweetie, there's the heartbeat." Nurse Olivia suddenly said.

I exhaled the breath I was holding in and immediately tears filled my eyes.
„Thank god." I heard Gemma whispering and couldn't stop the tears anymore from slipping down my face. There was a heartbeat.

„There's not as much activity as there should be, it seems like the baby is a bit sleepy but there's a heartbeat." she said and turned around the monitor so we could see the baby.

„Why isn't it moving as much?" Gemma asked what I was thinking but was too scared to ask myself.

„We can't tell that yet, that's why I'd like to get you into your own room so we can get you hooked up to the trace for a little while and monitor the movements that way.
Doctor Cooper will come down to have a look at what's going on, once you've been on the machine." Nurse Olivia told us and right as I thought everything will be alright, my heart started racing again.

Gemma and I followed the nurse through a few different corridors that led us to a private room which looked like a hotel room. Harry must've taken care of that a few months ago.

„I'll be right back in a few minutes to get you hooked up on the trace okay?"

I nodded and the nurse then left the room. Gemma immediately reached for my phone in her purse, looked at it and gave away a disappointed look.
„Still no answer." she said after trying again to call Harry.

„Did you try to reach Liam, Niall, Zayn or Louis?" I asked.

„Yes but they didn't answer either, the must have no time for anything today."

Luckily Gemma remembered to grab my maternity bag before we left the house, so I reached inside it to find my comfortable slippers that I changed into.
I sat down on the hospital bed that was placed in the middle of the room and we waited for the nurse to come back. Gemma was wandering around the room until she stopped at the sound of the door opening. I held my breath, praying that Harry's head would poop around the door.

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