Chapter 35

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I was standing in front of the mirror in our bedroom, getting ready for tonight. I stood there in my brah and a pair of black jeans.
I was looking at my belly from every angle possible to see if I already could see a little bump.
I was so lost in staring and placing my hands on my belly that I totally forgot to get ready, until I felt two strong arms wrapping around my waist and a warm torso leaning against my back. I felt Harry's chin resting on my right shoulder. He placed a few kisses on my neck and then looked at me through the mirror.

„And? can you already see our little sweetheart?" he whispered in my ear.

„Actually now that I'm looking at it, there is a tiny bump, I think I just never really paid attention to it." I whispered back.

„There really is a tiny tiny bump." he said placing his hands on my belly.
He turned me around so I was facing him and kneelt on the floor to kiss the tiny bump that was showing.
He stood back up and leaned in to place his lips on mine.

„We should het ready now." he told me, that's when I noticed he didn't wear any shirt either.

I quickly got fully dressed and put my shoes on. Harry was waiting for me downstairs at the front door.
I put the ultrasound image that I had for Anne in my purse and got downstairs.

„Are you ready?" Harry asked.

„To tell her?"

He nodded.

„I am ready, but nervous." I told him. My heart was already racing when I think of telling her. Anne was like a mother to me since my mom lived in the US, I didn't really have someone to talk to except for Anne.

„Oh I'm nervous too, but I can't wait to see her reaction." he said while we got into the car and left the driveway.

A few minutes later we found ourselves standing in front of her door waiting for her to open it after we rang the doorbell.
We didn't have to wait long when the door opened and we saw her lovely, heartwarming smile.

„Heey Y/n, hey Harry, honey, how are you two?" she greeted us and hugged us both.

„Come in, come in." she said and led us in.

„We're really good, thanks, how are you Anne?" I asked.

„Good, good,  it's so nice to have you two here, it's been so long since you were here the last time."

„Yeah, it has, I love being here, you always cook the best dinner." I told her.

„Thanks Y/n, here sit down dinner is almost ready." she said smiling at us.

We sat down at the table and a little while later she served us dinner.
For tonight she made us all her famous homemade lasagne.

„Wow Anne, it smells lovely and tastes so good." I told her.

„Yeah it really does, it still tastes the same when you made it for me and Gemma when we were younger." Harry told her.

„Thanks guys, that means a lot to me." she said.

Harry gave me the look that I knew he would give me tonight. His eyes locked with mine and he smiled. I instantly knew what he wanted to say.
I nodded at him in agreement, that I would start the conversation about the baby.

„Oh I totally forgot, I still have wine in the fridge." Anne suddenly said.

My eyes widened and I turned to Harry. He knew what I was thinking.
I can't drink wine...

Anne stood up to get the bottle out of the fridge and opened it. She poured some wine in Harry's glass and then moved on to mine.
I just had to say something....

„Oh, uhm no wine for me but thank you." I said.

„Come on Y/n, just a little bit." she said still smiling.

„Oh, uhm, it's fine really, I'll drink just water tonight." I said trying not to be impolite.

„Please, a little bit, I know you like that kind of wine. It's not like you're pregnant." she said joking.

Harry and I immediately started smiling at eachother and then both smiled at Anne.
Her smile dropped as she realized what was happening.

„Wait, you are?" she stated asking.

„I am pregnant, Anne." I said smiling at her.

„OMG, you're pregnant!" she screamed out and jumped up.

„Come over here." she said and started tearing up full of joy.
I got over to her to get a tight hug from her.
She then got to Harry and looked up at him with the proudest smile on her face that I had ever seen.

„Come here son, I'm so so proud of you. Thank you for making me a grandmother. You know I always wanted to be one." she told him while they hugged. It was so cute when she was so happy about something that she had to cry.

„Here is the first picture we got today of our little sweetheart." I told her handing her over the picture.

„Aaaw so cute, I can't believe it, you two are having a baby!"

„We can't believe it either, it's still so unreal." Harry said.

„Oh you can keep the picture we got an extra one just for you." I told her as she wanted to give it back to me.

„Thank you so much." she said looking at the picture with tears of happiness running down her face.

That evening we finished eating and had a great time together. Later that night we went home after we celebrated the news and went straight to bed.

„Can we tell the boys tomorrow?" I asked Harry while I got in bed and he wrapped his arms around me.

„Of course, I can't wait to tell them." He answered tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.
I smiled at him.

„I love you Harry."

„I love you too Y/n."

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