im sorry

2.3K 121 15

im so sorry guys, i havent updated in like a week.

everything has been hectic, i have dance practice every night and i get home really late and i sleep late. i have to perform later and im on four hours of sleep, i still have to do alot of things today.

some things have been going downhill lately, im just really tired. and on top of all that i have to worry about updating, i really wanna give you guys all the best especially after making me reach 1k votes, thank you guys i love you all very very very much. you guys are probably one of the good things in life right now, but im really tired and my head hurts.

i admit, i havent been eating well and schools stressful. i just feel like im under alot of pressure right now. and personal things have been happening and i just feel really sad.

i hope you guys understand, i love you all. please eat well, stay safe and smile a lot.

thanks a lot <3

btw, im here if you guys want to talk. I want you all to know that, but know though if i dont reply instantly im sorry. its either im sleeping or doing sth stupid lmao.

love you...

-hishope//junghope Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang