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The whole day Jungkook slept as every time he tried to do something productive his head would just completely shut down and he would feel so dizzy, he would find himself on the bed again.

That was until a little bit after lunch the doorbell rang throughout the whole house making Jungkook snap out of his peaceful sleep, a few seconds later it rang again making Jungkook stand up and shout a groggy 'wait a minute!'.

Jungkook walked down the stairs still half asleep and very annoyed, he opened the door to a crack to see who was outside completely forgetting about the peephole. There stood Hoseok with a small smile on his face and two plastics hanging from his right hand.

"Hey." Jungkook said hastily fixing his messy bed hair and opened the door widely to greet Hoseok who grinned but then his face changed into a more worried expression as he frowned at Jungkook

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked as Jungkook stepped aside to let the elder in

"Yeah I'm feeling a bit better but I'm very dizzy and I feel hot." Jungkook explained, Hoseok put his hand on Jungkook's forehead to feel his temperature and sure enough he was quite hot.

"Go rest on the couch Jungkook I'll take care of you." Hoseok sighed as he was very worried about Jungkook, the younger did as told and laid down. Hoseok kneeled down beside the sofa and rummaged through the blue plastic and pulled out the thermometer

He told Jungkook to put it under his armpit as he went to prepare some food for the younger.

A few minutes later he came back with a bowl of sweet porridge in his hands, he set it down on the table and checked the thermometer.

"Ah Kookie its quite high, its 38!" Hoseok said as he set the thermometer aside.

"I'm okay hyung, but how did you find out about me being sick though?" Jungkook said as he coughed right after, his throat felt itchy.

"Well Jin told Jimin and well he told me." Hoseok said as he squeezed a wet small cloth until no more water was coming out, he put it on Jungkook's forehead and let it stay there.

Jungkook just stared at Hoseok as he did so, this was going to be very hard to stay away from the boy he loves. Espicially now, its a bad time for Hoseok to be here.

Whenever Jungkook gets sick he gets more clingy and he talks nonsense, most of the time he feels as if he is in a daze talking about just whatever. But usually he says things he is thinking about, he has no filter. So it would be no wonder if he suddenly confessed his love to Hoseok.

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now