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"What did the doctor say?" Hoseok asked, Jimin admired Hoseok sitting on the green hospital chair staring hopefully at him. It was weird how he found someone so beautiful whilst they were sitting, this proved how Jimin had totally fallen for Hoseok.

But he knows.

He knows about Jungkook and Hoseok. He's not mad, he knew it would come to this someday, but why does it hurt?

He's not mad because its love, he doesn't want Hoseok to love him because he was forced he wants true love from Hoseok. He loves Hoseok, but its painful one sided love.

"Lets go to a nearby café first, lets talk there." Jimin smiled as he held out his hand.

I love you

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As they sat by the window Hoseok held Jimin's hand, which made it harder for Jimin to let go of all this.

"Jungkook has heart cancer." Jimin blurted, not knowing how to place this in a way that won't hurt Hoseok. The latter loosened his grip, in shock.

"W-what? You're joking, don't joke about those things." Hoseok said shakily, this time returning his grip. His eyes started to get glossy as it started to hit him. And it hit him hard.

"I wish I was love, but I'm not." Jimin said calmly, Hoseok looked up and begged Jimin to explain further. It wasn't making any sense.

"When we were little Jungkook had a serious case of asthma, he couldn't join in with other kids in physical education because if he got too tired he couldn't breathe properly. Our parents had to make sure the house was clean of any dust or small particles that could trigger Jungkook's asthma. Thankfully, as he got older he got better."

"Though his asthma, thankfully, is not the cause of the heart cancer. Its been running down or bloodline from my mom's side. My mom barely survived, and now its passed unto Jungkook. I had my suspicions since last month I was observing him closely. He matched the symptoms." Jimin sighed as he looked down.

"I don't want to lose him." Hoseok said small tears falling down his cheeks rapidly, Jimin quickly went over to his side and sat down beside him.

"You're not going to, I promise that." He whispered, Hoseok pulled back about to say something

"Hoseok, I know about you two." Hoseok's eyes widened about to blubber out apologies

"Before you say anything, I'm fine with it okay? I don't want to stop you two if its true love, I just want to see my brother and you happy seok, though you telling me earlier would have been nicer." Jimin said ending with a small smile at the end

"Believe me I wanted to, but I just didn't know how to. I was afraid." Hoseok admitted gripping Jimin's hand pulling him in a hug

"I'm really sorry Jimin." Hoseok whispered, tears falling faster now.

"Its fine, smile angel okay? I don't want to ever see you sad, you look beautiful when you smile. It's heartbreaking to see you like this." Jimin said tilting his chin up, Hoseok looked at Jimin's eyes.

"Can I just have you one last time?"

Before I go

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