thirty four

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It all ended too soon, but Hoseok was promised with another date.

Then they kissed, the last one for the day. Jungkook missed Hoseok's lips. The way it felt on his own, he missed Hoseok. The way he was so small he wanted to protect him.

Hoseok was a little sunshine that had to be protected at all costs.

But as perfect the day was, Hoseok couldn't bring himself to smile as he trudged up the steps of his porch. Guilt was weighing him down and it made him crazy, for now he was sure that he loved Jungkook but Jimin.

Jimin was one of the people he held very close to him, even though they didn't meet in a nice he couldn't blame it on Jimin. He had to blame it on his own wretched parents that loves controlling his life.

Jimin was there for him whenever he needed him, always caring towards Hoseok and kind. He always made sure Hoseok had already eaten and slept well. Until one day he suggested that they try to make this all work under an arranged marriage so basically Hoseok was cheating on Jimin.

A guilty sigh left Hoseok's lips as he entered his shared home, he could hear the shower from his room signaling that Jimin was taking his shower.

"I'm home!" Hoseok yelled as he set his shoes aside and made his way upstairs into his room and changed into some comfortable clothing and put his used ones in the laundry.

Jimin was already out of the shower and he was dressed in a black shirt and some sweatpants while he was drying his hair off. He looked up and gave a small smile

"Hey baby, did you have fun today?" He asked inching closer to Hoseok now putting the small towel around his neck. Hoseok gave a smile and nodded

"Yeah I did, we went to a lot of places today." Hoseok said, he saw something flash in Jimin's eyes after he said that but it was soon covered by a warm smile.

"Thats good, I'm glad you're getting along then." Jimin smiled as he took Hoseok's hand in his

"How about you, where did you go today?" Hoseok asked as Jimin led them to the living room downstairs.

"Oh nothing special just gave a visit to the parents. Arrange something with them." Jimin said as they both enter the room

"Oh thats nice, did it go well?" Hoseok asked as they both sat down on the velvety couch

"Yeah, it went surprisingly considering it was them." Jimin said smiling a bit, this made Hoseok smile. Jimin was so positive, he could literally push away all of the negativity out of his life.

"Now enough about them, I wanna spend the rest of the night with you since I wasn't with you earlier." He grinned hugging Hoseok and he turned the television on and the soft noise of some drama just consumed them both as they cuddled.

Jimin's voice filled the room with his soft singing slowly lulling Hoseok to sleep

I don't want to hurt you Jimin

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quick update before school :') i should be studying. sigh.

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now