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here it is guys, the last chapter.

Everything was dull without him, he was my sun and now theres no one to keep me going. Though it hurts I have to smile for him, its what he would've wanted. He would've wanted me to be strong and happy.

Though I have never suffered a heartbreak as bad as this one, I am slowly healing but I won't love anyone else but him. He may be gone, but he'll forever stay in my heart.

So here I am now, on my daily trip to the cemetery carrying a sunflower. I know what you might say, who brings a big ass flower to the cemetery?

Well, thats me. Hoseok reminds of a sunflower thats why, I come here every Saturday no matter how hard its raining I make sure I visit him and tell him about my week. Even sometimes Jimin comes along too, he too suffered from the loss of Hoseok. He loved him too, but he keeps his mind off by working. He works too much sometimes its scary.

I kneeled down in front of the headstone, under me is where he lays. That sounds way too creepy.

I take out the old withered flower and replaced it with a new one. After throwing the old one out I sat down and smiled.

"This week was really hectic Seokie, everything was so busy I would just collapse on my bed at the end of the day..." Jungkook keep blathering on about the busy week he had happily

We all know Hoseok would have listened carefully and laugh at Jungkook's cuteness as he explained the week in exact detail and at the little gestures Jungkook made. At the end of the day Hoseok would hug Jungkook in bed and it would take Jungkook's tiredness away.

He would make them both tea and they would sip it on the balcony while enjoying the crispy warm air of summer. Hoseok would've held Jungkook's hand as he complimented every single thing he loved about him, which was everything of course.

After Jungkook's story he started to feel a bit sleep so he inched closer to the head stone and he lay his head on it. Slowly, he began to sing as if lulling Hoseok and himself to sleep. Call him crazy, but that what love does to you.

And then it was all black for Jungkook.

The En-

Oh wait, theres more!

Someone shook Jungkook awake, he groaned as he try to slap away the person.

"Get up Kookie!" Someone yelled worriedly as the person shook him

"Give me five more minutes." Jungkook groaned as he moved around, instead of feeling the cold hard headstone against his head he felt a pillow. His eyes shot open in confusion

"Oh! Finally you're awake, tell me does this go along better with my yellow shirt or does this." Hoseok asked as he held up two pairs of shoes

"What is that you Hoseok?" Jungkook said out of shock, but he was really happy. What if it was all a dream? It would hurt him really bad if he woke up to Hoseok's headstone he's had dreams similar to this, but mostly Hoseok's face would be blurred out as if he and it would be a quick minute before he woke up again.

"Baby, I have no time for your non sense right now, Tae's waiting for me outside and I can't be late!" Hoseok said as he pouted as he held out the shoes.

A minute passed.

Jungkook smiled widely as he ran over to Hoseok and held his cute little face in his hands as he kissed the life out of his little baby.

After running out of breathe, the shoes in Hoseok's were dropped earlier when he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook leaned his forehead against Hoseok's as he smiled.

"You're real and it all was just a dream." Jungkook whispered against Hoseok's lips

"I don't know what you're talking about, you're weird and thats why I love you very much." Hoseok whispered and grinned, Jungkook grinned back and Hoseok pecked him.

"So, my gucci or my puma shoes?" Hoseok asked smiling

"Mhm I think the Gucci ones if you're going with Tae, He'll freak when he sees you wearing ordinary shoes." Jungkook joked making Hoseok slap his bicep while chuckling

Jungkook began to be busy with Hoseok's neck littering kisses everywhere.

"You better not leave a mark Jeon Jungkook I spent half an hour covering up the ones you gave me last night." Hoseok threatened and Jungkook left one kiss before going back to Hoseok's lips.

He pulled back and grinned making Hoseok chuckle, Hoseok began to slip on his Gucci sneakers.

"Walk me out." Hoseok said smiling as he held out his hand, Jungkook smiled and held Hoseok's cute small little hands.

When they reached outside they saw Tae looking like a runway model leaning on his car

"Hurry up Seok! Geez, I barely spend time with you ever since Jungkook came along!" Taehyung yelled jokingly making Jungkook stick his tongue out at him. Hoseok blushed

Jungkook looked down at Hoseok and gave a small smile.

"See you later babe." Hoseok quickly said and gave Jungkook a short kiss before running off. Jungkook pouted

"Hey! Thats unfair!" Jungkook shouted out, Hoseok just laughed out loud and waved.

"Not too close Tae okay?" Jungkook yelled out

"No promises!" Tae yelled back winking

"You better promise before I come over and kick your ass all the way to-"

"Fine fine! I promise!" Tae yelled giving a wide smile.

They began to drive away and Hoseok peeked out of the window and blew a kiss to Jungkook, Jungkook caught the kiss which made Hoseok giggle.

The End.

There you go! I felt so happy when I wrote the fluffy part, I felt like I really owe it to you guys who've been through a lot in this book haha.

You guys make me really happy, thank you for commenting and voting on the chapters I love you all! I really hope you guys give love to my other upcoming and existing books like the love you gave to hybrids, my hope and his hope.

So yeah, this is me ending the book. Love ya'll its been really great writing this and an adventure, I've learnt many things from writing this book.  I feel really sad but it has to be done!

Love from Junghope and me, see you in my other books guys!

Love you for the last time.


11:52 pm.

-hishope//junghope Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt