thirty one

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"I'm going somewhere , I don't know when I'll be back." Jimin said making Hoseok look up, the younger was in casual clothes.

"Oh, okay just message me okay. To let me know you're okay." Hoseok smiled and Jimin nodded with a soft smile on his face giving a hug to the elder and went off his way leaving Hoseok.

A few minutes later Hoseok took a shower, dried himself and dressed up.

He was in skinny jeans that had rips on the thigh and knees, then he put on a black shirt pairing it all off with a black trench coat since it was quite cold out. He messages Jungkook that he was done dressing up making the younger reply saying he will be there in a few minutes.

Hoseok made sure he brought his phone with him and his wallet. Lastly, he put on his sneakers and he was all set to go. He put on his mask, and a cap.

The doorbell rang through the whole house a few minutes later making Hoseok shoot up from the couch, he quickly reached the door and opened it to find Jungkook.

"Lets go." Jungkook smiled and they both went out, Hoseok quickly made sure the door was locked and the keys were in his pocket.

Once they were inside Jungkook's car they were enveloped into comfortable silence as they passes through the streets of Busan before curiosity got the best of Hoseok.

"Where are we headed?" He asked turning to Jungkook smiling at him, the younger just a made a motion that he was zipping his lips signaling that it was supposed to be kept a secret.

Hoseok just chuckled, he reached towards the radio to turn on some music so that it won't be silent. Apparently a song by a group called 'Got7' was playing, it was called 'Teenager' as from what Hoseok heard. It was pretty good, it lightened up their mood.

"How are you by the way?" Hoseok asked, Jungkook gave his cute bunny smile

Hoseok's heart started to beat faster.

"I'm fine, just out of breathe from time to time."

"Just don't overwork yourself, it's probably just asthma like you said." Hoseok smiled Jungkook suddenly had an urge run through him and moved his hand on top of Hoseok's small ones.

"I won't, I promise."

For you

don't worry guys, another update is coming in a few minutes. i just need to read it all over again and make sure its perfect. i'm sorry if the updates are very slow, i'll try to speed them up during weekends but the weekdays are reserved for school. i need to concentrate more on school since i feel like i didn't do too well in the first semester.

but as always, i hope you guys enjoyed this love you all to the ones reading this.

you guys are cool as fuck, give me a message if you guys want.

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now