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That night, Hoseok fell asleep to Jimin's arms around him.

But Hoseok didn't know it was his last request of him, to feel him just one more time before he had to go. Jimin felt like he was in heaven, he couldn't fall asleep. He'll have plenty of it tomorrow anyways. He wanted to feel Hoseok.

He caressed Hoseok's cheek affectionately, admiring as the moonlight illuminated his perfect soft features. His sweet, delicate lips.

Is what he'll miss the most.

A tear trickles down Jimin's cheek, he harshly wipes it way and gives a gentle slap to his face.

Stop it.

- - -

Hoseok woke up and gave a large yawn. Jimin was no longer beside him, Hoseok suddenly sat up in panic and looked around the room.


He had a bad feeling about this when Jimin didn't answer, he stood up suddenly giving him a whiplash so bad he had to sit down.

After calling Jimin's name a couple more times, he went into the bathroom to see it hadn't even been used yet. He urgently set for the living room downstairs, no one was there.

"Park Jimin!" Hoseok yelled frustrated now, he jogged into the dining room to find also deserted his one last hope was the kitchen (and a million other rooms in the house).

He burst into the kitchen. What he saw left him sighing in distress as he saw a shirtless Jimin with earphones in his ears dancing to some girl group song as he pranced around the kitchen while cooking some pancakes.

Hoseok sat quietly on the stool by the counter quite amused.

Jimin hummed the tune to 'Bad Boy' when he set the pancakes, topped with butter on the stop as he turned around.

"Oh shi-" He exclaimed as he almost dropped the plate surprised by Hoseok's presence.

Hoseok reached over the table to also grab the plate to make sure it doesn't fall over. Jimin looked playfully annoyed as he sighed and took his earphones out.

"You could've at least told me you were here, I was so surprised." Jimin exclaimed while Hoseok started to laugh, Jimin shook his head and grabbed another plate to put pancakes on it.

"Surprised you were." Hoseok nodded, he started to dig in his pancakes.

- - -

"Jimin you take longer to get ready than I do!" Hoseok yelled from the living room as a muffle 'Wait!' from Jimin came as a response.

"I swear to god, that boy cares about his looks way too much." Hoseok playfully teased as he stood up and put his shoes on.

"I'm ready!" Jimin said running down the stairs, only to land with a thump on the floor sending Hoseok into a fit of laughter.

"Whats up with you today?" Hoseok said wiping fake tears of happiness away as Jimin sheepishly scratched his neck after he had successfully stood up.

"Nothing just a bit more clumsy than usual." Jimin smiled his eyes turning into crescents as he did.

- - -

"I want ice-cream." Hoseok said longingly as he stared at the cart rolled by a man around the park.

"Then lets go get some." Jimin said standing up, Hoseok followed along smiling and they both bought some refreshments on a hot day. As they walked along the park to Jimin's car they were filled with the sound of birds chirping.

"I have a question." Jimin popped suddenly making Hoseok look at him

"More of like a situation."

"Go for it."

"You have an hour left to live what do you do?" Jimin asked, Hoseok thought about it before blurting out

"Do you want a serious answer?" Hoseok asked smiling a bit, Jimin chuckled and nodded

"Well, I'd spend it with the person I love the most. Make the most of the hour you know." Hoseok smiled warmly at Jimin who nodded in return.

"Well, if I wasn't feeling all serious I would've answered—"

I'm glad to spend my last hour with you.

- -

okay, so if you guys heard about the twitter incident i said sth about it down in my message board. its about jimin, and i didnt want to keep you guys waiting so i just left it over there instead of writing here.

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now