thirty five

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Hoseok sighed as he read over the letter on the bed side table.

Baby, I had to meet up with my mom today I'm so sorry I'm not there. I'll make it up to you later. I promise.


He had no right to feel suspicious when he himself was already cheating on Jimin. He set the letter aside carefully in the drawer and he got himself ready for the day.
He had no plans but he wanted to get some fresh air, think over the things happening in his life. Its been such an adventure.

He took a quick shower and dressed in his sweater, some baggy jeans which he folded at the ended. He took out his beige coat and he brought his phone and wallet. He put on his sneakers and he was all set to go.

- - -

Walking was great, the 15 minute walk from his home to the nearby café felt refreshing. The weather was cold, but not too cold that he was shivering his ass off. So here he was now, inside a café with his croissant and hot chocolate. He will never be mature enough for coffee.

"A penny for your thoughts?" A voice said snapping Hoseok out of it, he looked up to see Jungkook who gave him a small smile.

"Can I sit?" He asked, Hoseok gave a nod and gestured him to take his seat.

"We have met again, coincidentally." Jungkook grinned, Hoseok smiled and chuckled

"Yeah right 'coincidentally' or you followed me all the way here." Hoseok teased

"Maybe." Jungkook shrugged giving off a small smile

"Hey, are you free today?" Jungkook asked, Hoseok thought about the plans he had in mind for today.

"Yeah I am, why? Besides probably dinner with Jimin I'm free." Hoseok said, Jungkook smiled

"You already know, we're going to hang out again!" He said cheerfully while taking Hoseok by the hand and pulling him out of the café

"I haven't even finished my croissant yet!"

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hey guys... sorry if this chapter was boring and short, i'll try to get another one out tomorrow. but as of now i'm kinda in a bad place, just not feeling it i guess.

but aside from that, hope you all enjoyed as always!

-hishope//junghope Where stories live. Discover now