Tears in the rain!

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The room was bathed in a soft, dim glow as the moon's silver tendrils filtered through the rain-drenched window. A man in his mid-twenties with black hairs sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the leather-bound diary that lay before him. He had found it years ago, tucked away in a forgotten corner of their shared closet. A part of him always knew what it was, but he couldn't bring himself to open it, to unlock the hidden memories that it held.

His husband had been gone for too long. The pain of his absence had become a constant companion. He had befriended the pain, tears and lonely, dark nights. It has been years now. Everyone says he should move on and start a new life but no one knows he had promised his husband that he will always love him.

Till the end of his life.

Until his last breathe.

He was going through his husband's things as the long night was mocking his sleepless eyes. He appeared life less. He didn't remember when he slept peacefully last time. It Seemed like ages now.

Sleep, smiles and happiness were a beautiful dream to him. The reality included tears and longing. He had come up with a compromise with his loneliness now. It doesn't bother him like it used to do before. Maybe his emotions has settled down and he had accepted everything.

That was what it was.

He couldn't do anything to change it.

It wasn't in his power to bring back the days of his life where he used to be a totally different person. A boy with lively giggles, twinkling eyes, contagious laugh and all the love in the world.

He was loved.

He was cherished.

Treasured by his husband.

Touching the things lying on the bed in front of him as they were touched by his husband at some point of time, he felt emotional. The hoodie he was wearing still had his husband's scent. It warmed his soul in the cold weather.

He sat there looking at the diary lying in front of him for a few moments. All these years, he had kept that diary safe and close to himself but never had the courage to open it.

The thought of reading his husband's  thoughts, his dreams, and his deepest feelings overwhelmed him with both anticipation and dread.

The sound of rain tapping against the windowpane matched the rhythmic pounding of Taehyung's heart. He reached for the diary, his fingers trembling as he clutched it tightly. The weight of his memories and the void in his heart seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment.

With a deep breath, he gently flipped open the diary, revealing its yellowed pages. The scent of aged paper wafted to his nose, bringing back memories of countless moments spent together. He turned to the first entry, and as his eyes scanned the words, he was transported back to the early days of their love.

Dear Diary,

Hey there, it's Jungkook. I guess this is the start of a new chapter in my life, isn't it? I've never really had a diary before, but something tells me you're going to be more than just a collection of pages filled with ink. You see, I've decided that you'll be my confidant, my best friend, the one I can share my deepest secrets with.

Today was an extraordinary day. After months of hard work and anticipation, I finally moved to Seoul, the city of dreams. The energy here is electric, and I feel like I've stepped into a world full of endless possibilities. The bustling streets, the vibrant lights, and the people rushing by – it's all so thrilling.

And guess what? I got the job I've been dreaming about! Can you believe it? I still pinch myself to make sure it's real. Working for my dream company feels surreal, and I'm beyond excited to start this new chapter of my career. There's a mix of nerves and adrenaline rushing through me, but it's a good kind of nervousness, you know? The kind that reminds me I'm alive and ready to take on whatever challenges come my way.

It's funny how life can take unexpected turns, leading you to places you never imagined you'd be. I remember how hesitant I was at first to leave my comfort zone, but now, as I sit in this tiny apartment with the sounds of the city outside, I can't help but feel grateful for taking that leap.

Seoul has this way of making me feel like I'm exactly where I'm meant to be. It's like the universe conspired to bring me here, and everything feels right. I've met some incredible people already, and I can't wait to see how our friendships blossom. I have this feeling that some of them will become lifelong companions.

I want to remember every little detail of this exciting time in my life, and that's why I've chosen you, my dear diary, to be the keeper of my thoughts and emotions. I promise to share my joys, my fears, my triumphs, and my struggles with you.

As I lay here, looking out at the city lights dancing through my window, I feel a sense of peace and contentment. It's like the universe is whispering to me that this is just the beginning, that there's so much more waiting for me in the future.

So here's to new beginnings and cherished dreams coming true. I'm so ready for whatever comes next, and I know you'll be there, faithfully by my side, as I pour my heart into your pages.

Until next time, dear diary.

Yours truly,


Taehyung's eyes blurred with tears as he continued to read Jungkook's heartfelt words. The weight in his chest tightened, and he clutched the diary to his heart, longing for the love that once filled their lives. The rain outside intensified, almost as if the heavens were mourning alongside him, echoing his grief.

The smiling face of his husband danced in front of his eyes. Those lively eyes that always looked at him with so much love, the beautiful smiles, hearty laughs and teasing talks, heated arguments, sneaky kisses, slow love makings at nights like this where the rain would be celebrating the pure love the two boys shared....

Everything played in front of his eyes like some movie as he turned the page and started reading ahead.

Dear Diary!


Hey everyone. So i am here, back with a short story full of love and emotions. I warn you, it may make you cry so keep a lot of tissues with you.

The chapters will be in the form of Diary entries that Jungkook had written over the time. It will only have Jungkook's perspective.

Everything in this story is fictional. The characters, incidents and plot is just an imagination. I don't claim anything to be true.

All rights are reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced in any form without my permission.

The similarity of the plot with some other book is totally a coincidence. I do not believe in plagiarism.

Updates will be super fast. I plan to finish the story within a week so stay tuned.

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I promise I will be back before you could imagine : )

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