Chapter Two

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I'm staring at notebook in Math and doodling as the teacher talks when the door opens. I don't look up. "I transferred classes," a guy tells the teacher. I hear the teacher ask him a couple of questions. And then the guy says, "Can I take any seat?"

"Yes," Mr. Donalds says. Someone drops their stuff right next to me. I look up and my lip curls in disgust.

"What are you doing in my math class, Colton?" I ask him. He sits down next to me.

"My, my, Andy. Everything is about you, isn't it?" he asks me. My cheeks redden slightly.

"You're the one that sat next to me. Look around, Colton.  There are lots of open seats," I tell him. "Pick any other seat." Colton gets up with his stuff and then sits on the other side of me.

"How come no one sits at your table?" Colton asks. He looks at me. I brush my bangs out of my face. 

"A: It's not a table, it's a desk and B: I work alone," I tell him.

He grins at me. "Not anymore. I'm your partner," he says.

"I really am fine working by myself. Why don't you go and sit by that girl over there. The one with the blonde hair and the big smile. She looks like she might want you to sit next to her. Run along," I tell him. I go back to doing my worksheet.

"Why are you so isolated from everyone else?" Colton asks me. I look up and sigh. I drop my pencil and face him.

"I'm not isolated. I just prefer to work by myself," I say. The bell rings and I shove my stuff into my backpack. I sling it over my shoulders and walk out. I just have free period and Biology before the end of the day. I weave through the crowd to get to the library.

During free period Seniors can go off campus or do whatever. I chose to go to the library. I sit down in a corner and pull out my book. I stick my earbuds in and listen to music. The librarian doesn't mind.

Someone taps my shoulder and I look up. Colton.

"What the hell are you doing here? Did you run out of girls to fuck you?" I ask him. He sits down in the chair next to me.

"Nah. I switched out of my woodshop class," he tells me. "You know we're allowed to go off campus, right?"

"Do I seem like I'm stupid?" I ask Colton. He looks at me and smirks. I go back to reading.

"Nice shorts," he says. I look down. Sure enough my shorts have ridden up and are barely covering my legs.

"You're a pervert," I say. I tug my shorts down.

He runs his hands through his hair and ends up making it stick up. "You ready for our frog dissection today?" Colton asks me. The past few days in biology we've been preparing for it.

"I'm not sure you realize this but my Mom's a Medical Examiner and my dad's a General Surgeon-he's the head of the department. So, I've done stitches on people since I was eleven and I've done an autopsy before with my mom. Dissecting a frog shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't fuck up," I say.

"Hmm," Colton says.


"Nothing," he says. "Your chest is distracting me." I look down. My shirt is slightly low cut.

"What? Like you haven't seen boobs before," I say. I frown at my shirt. It's a tight, green henley. He stares at my chest. "I don't see what your problem is, I don't have any buttons unbuttoned," I say.

"Huh?" Colton asks. His green eyes are a bit darker today than they were yesterday. They're more of a jade green. Less brown. More green, but still dark. God, he's fucking hot. 

"Could you maybe stare at my face?" I ask him. He looks at my face.

"Your hair's long," he says. He picks up a piece of my hair and plays with it.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if you got the memo, but I'm not going to have sex with you. No matter how charming you may think you are you are never getting in my pants. Never. So, don't flirt with me," I tell him. I scoot my chair away from his.

"I always found playing hard to get sexy," Colton says. I groan. "And don't worry, I'll get you."

"I have no idea what the fuck you're aiming for, but you're getting repulsion," I tell him. I nod my head and say, "Yeah, you're falling short of anything else." He shrugs.

"You just wait. You'll be falling madly in love with me one of these days," Colton says with a knowing smile.

"You wish," I say. I go back to reading and the bell rings.

I have gym with Colton next and I try to lose him the crowd. I walk into the women's locker room. We have to change into uniforms, which is fairly stupid. Gym is boring and Colton doesn't talk to me. We're on different teams and opposite ends of the gym. 

The teacher dismisses us to go back to the locker rooms and change. I tug on my clothes and put on deodorant. After I fix my hair I weave through the crowds again. I have free period. I don't feel like going off campus so I walk outside. It's raining lightly out. I sit under a tree and read a steamy romance novel.

After a while I look at my phone. I sigh and stand up. I walk towards biology. It's my last hour thankfully.I sit down and drop my stuff on the ground. I pull out my notebook and review some notes. Colton drops down into his seat.

The bell rings and kids trickle in. The teacher goes over basic instructions and then passes frogs out. He also hands out gloves and a scalpel and a couple of other things including: stitches, tweezers and a clamp. I smirk.

This is going to be really easy.

I put on the gloves and look at Colton. "Aren't you going to put on gloves?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"You got this," he says. He looks at my chest and then reaches out and starts to undo the buttons on the top of my shirt. He undos three of the four of them.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I'm making Biology more interesting for me," Colton says, he's obviously amused.


"Yes, biology is the study of living things. And those...are very alive," Colton says, talking to my chest.

"Are you talking to me or my boobs?" I ask him. He doesn't answer me. "Do you even know where the heart is located?"

He grins at me and then puts his hands on both of my boobs. "Really?" I ask him. He shrugs.

He pushes them together and says, "Somewhere in the middle."

I shove his hands off me and trace the outline on his chest. "That's where it is," I tell him. I grab the scalpel and cut the frog open.

The entire dissection takes me two minutes. I do the dissection absentmindedly because I'm too focused on the fact that Colton just felt me up. I can't say that I minded. Worse things have happened.

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