Chapter Seventeen

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"Please," Ellie says. It's Monday, we got back yesterday.

"Can't we watch another movie?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"I want to watch The Heat. I've already seen it," she says.

"But it's rated R, and you're ten," I say. She shrugs, "Alright, fine. But don't tell your mother," I say. She grins. I get up and dig in my backpack for the DVD. She has a DVD player in her hospital room. "Damn, I think my aunt has it. I can go and get it or we can watch something else."

"Um, can you go and get it? Oh, and can you get us some chocolate?" she says. I nod.

"I'll get it and chocolate, and then I'll come back," I tell her. She nods. I put in a movie for her and then wander to my aunt's office. I push through the doors to her office. She smiles when she sees me.

"Hey," she says.

"Hey, Auntie," I say. "Do you have my copy of The Heat? One of my friends in the Ped's wing wants to watch it."

"Shit, I gave it to Harrison. And, isn't Eleanor ten?" she says. I shrug.

"Ellie said that she'd already seen it. Thanks though," I say. "See you later," I say. She nods and goes back to paperwork. I walk to where the interns hang out.

The interns are always sucking up to people. "Hey, Cross, you know where the Chief's at?" I ask him.

He smirks and then says, "The Chief has been..."

"Up to some dirty work," Roberts interjects. He breaks off a piece from a chocolate bar and eats it. I grab the chocolate bar from his hands.

"Care to share?" I ask. I sit down on an abandoned gurney next to Cross.

"Look, all I know is that some nurses saw a leggy, dark harried chick sneaking out of his office," Roberts says. He takes the chocolate from my hands and breaks off a piece and hands me back the bar.

"But you didn't see it?" I ask him. Cross laughs.

"I heard it," Cross says. I frown.

"You seen the chick before?" I ask. Cross and Roberts both shake their heads. "Damn, I mean, I love him-he's like an uncle, but shit, he's a player," I say.

"Doesn't he have a wife?" Roberts asks.

"Yeah, it's open relationship...kind of. She's away a lot and doesn't know, or turns a blind eye to his flirting. I mean, he flirts a lot, but he has minimal sex," I explain. Roberts frowns. "His wife travels a lot and all I know is that she's a curvy blonde. So, definitely not the chick you saw today."

"Whoever she was," Cross starts, "they were really going at it."

"Well, on that note, I'm gonna go find him. See you later," I say. They nod. "Oh, and, I'll be taking this," I say and pluck the chocolate bar from Roberts' hands. He frowns. I smirk and walk to Harrison's office. I push the door open and he spins around.

"Oh, shit-I mean, uh...hey, Andy," he says. He's buttoning his shirt.

"Nice job," I say. I see a lacy red bra discarded and smirk. "Looks like someone left you a present," I say. I look at the size on the bra, 34C.

"I'll take that," Harrison says. He snatches it from my hands and shoves it into his desk.

"Looks like you had an exciting afternoon," I say. He smooths his hair down and straightens his cuffs.

"Can I help you with something?" he asks. I smirk.

"Yeah, Auntie said that you had The Heat and I need it back," I tell him.

"I have it," he says. Harrison moves some papers and hands the DVD to me.

"Thanks," I say. "And you should know that the walls aren't soundproof in here."

"Why is that important?" he asks. He perches on the edge of his desk.

"Because the interns and nurses heard you while you were...busy," I say. He turns bright red and I laugh as I leave.

I walk out of his office and hold the movie and chocolate in one hand and my phone in the other. I bump into someone. "Shit, I'm sorry," I say. The woman turns around. "Mom? What the hell are you doing are? I thought it was your day off," I say.

"Oh, I um," she starts. She straightens her coat. Why the hell is she wearing a trench coat? It's eighty degrees out. "I needed to grab a file," she says.

"Yeah, well see you at home," I say. I walk past her and back to Eleanor's room. "Hey, so I tracked down the movie and chocolate," I tell her. She smiles as I hand her the chocolate. I put the movie in and sit down next to her on the bed.

"Why does the chocolate taste so good?" Ellie asks.

"Because I stole it from Roberts," I tell her. She laughs.

"I'm glad we're friends," she says.

"Yeah," I say, "me too."

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