Chapter Forty

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Colton and I are laying on his bed. My head's on his chest and he's stroking my hair. It's Saturday morning and we haven't done anything. It's one of those perfect days to stay in bed and watch movies. The sky is a dark grey, twinged with bleakness. It's thunderstorming.

"Do you want to watch something?" Colton asks. I shift closer to him.

"No, I'm good here," I say, running my fingers along his chest. It's peaceful just laying with Colton, not doing anything. I haven't thought about Bryce for a while. I don't know what was happening to me last night. Maybe...I don't know. It probably doesn't mean anything. Probably.

What the hell does it mean?
I wanted Bryce to kiss me. Fuck, I was going to kiss Bryce. I'm with Colton. I'm not sure if we're dating, but I think we are. What does it mean if I wanted to kiss someone else? Does that mean that Colton and I aren't working anymore? Was I just attracted to Bryce?


I shiver, remembering his hand on my leg. They way his voice got rough and southern. I blink my eyes shut. I can't be thinking about Bryce. Here I am, laying on Colton's chest thinking about another guy.

Fuck. I need to get my shit together. I need to focus on Colton.

"So, the dance was interesting," I say. That's honestly the best thing I could come up with. I really hope he doesn't mention Bryce.

"Yeah," Colton says. He shifts and rolls over to face me. I turn to my side and he drapes his arm over my waist. Our faces are about even. "I'm sorry Bryce is such a douche."

"Are you guys friends?" I ask, biting my lip. Shit, why are we talking about Bryce? It's the last thing I need.

"Yeah, I'd say we're friends," Colton says. "He's an asshole, but we give each other shit."

"So, you guys are like brothers?" I ask Colton. Thinking about it, they were always together in gym. And from I what I saw, not that I paid particular attention, he and Bryce were always hanging out. At lunch, around school.

"Yeah," Colton says. I guess Bryce really is an asshole. What does it mean if Colton and Bryce are like brothers, but that didn't stop Bryce from coming onto me? If anything, he was more determined. "You know...Prom is coming up soon," Colton says.

"Oh, I guess I hadn't realized that," I say.

"So, now that we're dating, we should probably go together," he says. I grin.

"Is this your version of asking me to Prom, Colton?" I ask. He grins back at me.

"Yeah. I won't take no for an answer." He shifts closer to me.

"I don't know. You might have to convince me," I tease.

In a matter of seconds, Colton has me pinned underneath him, his mouth on my neck. My arms go around his torso, pressing closer to him. "How's this for convincing?" He laughs darkly when I gasp because his hands are under my pants.

"It's uh...pretty good," I say. "I think you can do better." His kisses go lower. I nearly cry out when his tongue trails right above my bra. I dig my nails into his back. This is exactly what I need. I keep one hand clutching his back and my other hand tangles in his hair.

I wrap my legs tighter around his, so we're pressing closer. His knee is in between my thighs. His hands are everywhere. His kisses move up my neck and then his mouth is finally crashing over mine.

He's kissing me like he's trying to hold onto me forever. Both of my hands are in his hair and I'm kissing him back. God, this feels good.

Someone knocks on the door. "Hey you guys-oh! I see you two kiddos are having fun," Alex says.

"Shit," Colton mutters. He rolls off of me. I wipe my mouth off and straighten out m shirt and bra. "Could you knock?" Colton asks. He doesn't look embarrassed. My cheeks are bright red.

"Nope. It's my house," Alex says. "Anyways, I was gonna go watch Project Runway and The Bachelor. Did you guys wanna join me?" Colton and I look at each other.

"Uh, sure. Just give us a sec, Ma," Colton says.

"Whatever, I'm starting it in five minutes." Alex rolls her eyes and walks out. I look at Colton.

"Uh, that was embarrassing," I say. He shrugs.

"Ma doesn't really care." We both stand up. I toss him a shirt and I straighten my bra. I grin sheepishly, looking at the ground.

Who knew that I'd be going to Prom with Colton Samson? I shake my head. Colton and walk out of his room to the living room. Alex looks up.

Colton and I plop down next to her. She starts the show. As we're watching it my mind starts drifting. Mainly to Bryce.

I haven't been able to get him out of my head. I feel guilty. Colton and I are dating and I really like him, but Bryce is lingering in my mind. I can't get rid of him. I've only talked to him a few times aside from yesterday.

But he's so addictive. I almost made out with him in the gym, and Colton was ten feet away. And then I almost jumped him in the booth. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just don't know what it means for me and Colton.

Maybe it was just a one time thing. Maybe I was trying to make Colton jealous. Maybe I was bored at the dance and Bryce was entertaining. God, I need to stop thinking about Bryce.

Colton puts his arms around my shoulders and I smile at him.

It's been really nice and natural staying with Colton and Alex. I've had fun, but I think I need to leave. Maybe I'll stay with Auntie. I just don't think I should stay here any more.

As we watch mindless TV my mind finds its way to Bryce. 

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