Chapter Fifty

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We're playing Capture the Flag in gym. Bryce is on the other team and Colton's on mine, but in jail. I'm so glad it's Friday.

"How was your weekend?" Greyson asks. We haven't had a chance to talk all week.

"It was...eventful." My mind flashes to Bryce and the shower and all of the other things he did.

"You fuck him?" Greyson raises an eyebrow at me.

"Colton? No." I grin sheepishly and look at the ground.

"What did you...oh. You fucked Blondie?" he asks. I nod and he grins, shaking his head. "Can't say I expected that one."

"Yeah, well, Colton cheated on me explicitly, so..." Greyson looks over at Bryce and then at Colton. "Anyways, how's Christian?" He shakes his head and mutters something.

"Trevor's in town. She wants to end things with us, and I don't know what I can do to convince her to stay," Greyson tells me.

"Have you told her that you love her?" I ask. Greyson shakes his head.

"Uh, kind of. I mean, I haven't straight up said it, but I think she knows," he says.

"Dude, you have to tell her," I say. He shakes his head.

"It's not that easy." He tugs his hands through his hair. "I don't...I don't know how she'd react, how she feels. It was never just fucking, at least not to me. But what if it is to her? And I tell her how I feel and ruin everything?"

"Greyson, what do you have to lose? You might lose her anyways," I say. "At least show her your drawings." He nods.

"I'll think about it." He looks around again. "He cheated on you, huh?" I nod.

"It's probably bad that it doesn't bother me. But it feels so much better with Bryce." I look at Bryce and he grins at me, waving. I wave back. "It was great too, on Monday, because Colton caught me after Bio and we started yelling at each other. He didn't try to explain what he did. He turned it around on me. He's such a dick."

"Seems like it. I've never really talked to him," Greyson says. "You know, maybe there's a reason why he's been cheating on you." I look over at Colton.

"You think? I just thought he couldn't keep it in his pants." Greyson shrugs. The bell rings and I say bye to Greyson before walking to the locker rooms.

Was there a reason why he cheated on me? It still doesn't change anything.

"Shut up, Andy," I mutter quietly to myself. I get dressed and then grab my backpack. Bryce and I are going to grab coffee during free period. I walk over to a mirror and apply a little bit of lip gloss, pull up my jeans and adjust my tank top.

I walk out of the locker room and find Bryce leaning against a locker. "Hey." He looks up and smiles

"Hey, sweetheart. You ready to go?" he says. I nod. He slides his arm around my shoulders as we walk to his car.

"You gonna get coffee?" I ask. He laughs softly.

"Maybe," he says. A smile tugs at his lips. "Or I could just kiss you and taste coffee once we're there." I smirk.

"Sounds good to me." We walk to the parking lot and get into Bryce's car. The cafe is only five minutes away from school. My mind drifts to what Greyson said about Colton. I'm pretty sure that Colton didn't have a reason, he probably just couldn't keep it in his pants.

Colton...did he have a reason?

We pull up outside of the cafe and walk in. Bryce orders a blueberry cream cheese danish and a soda. I get an iced coffee and we sit down by the window. We talk for awhile.

"What are you majoring in?" I ask Bryce.

"International business. I'm going to Northeastern university," he tells me. "What about you?"

"Pre-Med. I'm going to Harvard," I tell him. He smiles.

"You know, that doesn't surprise me." Bryce's smile grows.

"What" I ask.

"The colleges we're going to, they're both in Boston," he says. I smile.

A car screeches and I look up. My smile fades when I see who gets out. "Sweetheart, what's wro-"

I stand up and walk out of the cafe with Bryce following me. Colton smirks when he sees us.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt your date?" He shoves Bryce.

"Fuck off, man," Bryce says.

"You fucking followed us," I say. Colton rolls his eyes.

"I thought I would have found you blowing him in the backseat of his car," Colton says. Anger flashes over Bryce's face.

"You don't know what you're talking about," Bryce says. Colton shoves him again.

"It was always a competition between us, right? You always wanted what I had." Colton looks at me. "He doesn't really like you. He only wanted you because of me."

"You know something, Colton?" I say. "I don't want you. I want Bryce. It's not even a competition because I already chose Bryce." Bryce's hand laces with mine and squeezes gently.

"Don't touch her," Colton growls. I let go of Bryce's hand and take a step towards Colton.

"You don't get to pull this shit," I say slowly, shoving Colton. "You don't get to pretend that you still have a claim on me. You don't get to forget that you ruined our relationship because you cheated on me. And, Colton, you don't call me a whore or tell me what to do." I shove Colton again. His green eyes bore into mine. They look different and I can't figure out why.

"You almost remind me of your mother." He crosses his arms over his chest. I freeze. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I'm stunned by what he just said.

"Fuck you," I say, my voice shakes slightly. I've never meant anything as much as I mean that. "I hope you go to hell and rot."

I walk away. 

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