Chapter Fourteen

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We've been driving for four hours and we still have two to go. It's odd that I'm bothered by Colton. By two things: Him getting the last word and him saying that he hated me too. I, of course, didn't really mean it, but did he?

And Jesus, why do I care?

Why should I care if he hates me? He's a notorious whore. Whatever. I have my earbuds in and I'm watching scenery go by in a blur. I take out an earbud and ask, "What's the place we're driving to?"

Victoria turns back to look at me. "It's a barn," she says. Colton snorts.

"You want to get married in a barn?" Colton asks. I hit his arm.

"Shut up," I mutter to him.

"What? Just imagine her walkin' down the aisle and then bam! She slips in a pile of horse shit and falls into it. She'd be picking shit out of her hair for days," he says.

"Are you getting married? No, you're not. Until you plan to walk down the aisle in a white dress you don't get to judge," I tell him.

"Thank you, Andy," Victoria says. "We're lucky we got a spot to tour. It's very busy and it's like a dream-wedding. The chick that owns it, Lillian Monroe, makes or breaks weddings. I still can't believe that we got a slot." She shakes her head. I shrug.

"Okay," I say. Colton looks at me. I feel him looking at me. I refuse to look at him. I look out the window. I hear Colton unbuckle his seatbelt and scoots over a seat, so he's right next to me. He takes out my earbud.

"I make you nervous, don't I?" he says. He pokes me in the stomach.

"No," I tell him. He pokes me again. "Don't touch me," I tell him.

"Ooh, someone's moody," he taunts. He takes a piece of my hair and plays with it. I slap his hand.

"I said don't fucking touch me," I say.

"Actually, you said 'don't touch me'," he tells me. "Do I make you," he starts and scoots closer to me, "uncomfortable?" I shift away from him. He shifts closer to me.

"No," I say.

"You're not very good at lying, you know," he tells me. I look at him. Damn, his eyes are pretty.

"I'm not lying," I say. "Why are obsessed with me?"

"I'm not obsessed with you," he tells me.

"You're not good at lying, you know," I mock.

"I'm not lying," he says in a nasal voice. I hit him.

"Maybe, maybe not. But why are focused on me? Huh? You do all this shit, like scooting closer and getting on my case," I say. He shrugs.

"I'm just trying to get in your pants," Colton says.

"You're a pervert."

"You're a pampered princess," he says. He holds it together for a couple of seconds before laughing. "See what I did there? You said pervert which starts with a p and I said pampered princess which is a double p. I out-did you!" I frown.

"It's sad that you're so proud of yourself," I tell him. He shrugs. "Perverted prick," I say. Mason pulls into a McDonald's.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"We have to get ready in the bathrooms here," Victoria explains. I stare at her. "We're tight on time."

"So? Who the fuck cares if we're tight on time?" I ask as we around to the back of the car to get our stuff.

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