Chapter Thirty-Nine

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My mouth's hanging open. I can't say anything. I can't move. I can't say anything to the drunken woman that stands before me as my mother.

"What are you doing here?" she asks me.

"Are you here with Dad?" I ask, my voice shakes slightly.

"Of course not," she says, washing her hands. She's wearing a tiny little red number.

THe door opens and we both turn to see Colton. "Hey, Andy, are you o-" He cuts himself off when he sees Mother.

"Up to your old tricks, I see," Mother says. My eyes widen.

"You and my father should get a divorce," I tell her. Mom frowns.

"You know, I'm not entirely sure Christopher's your father." She cocks her head and then starts applying lipstick.

"You're not serious, are you?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm quite serious," she says. I blink.

"I-I...I...," I stutter.

"See you around, darling," she says and pushes past Colton. Did that really just happen?

I back up until I hit the wall, sinking against it. Colton's there to catch me as I fall. "I'm here," he says. "I'm here. It's okay." He pulls me into a close hug. I wrap my arms around his broad shoulders and bury my face against his neck. He holds my waist and presses me to him tightly.

"I'm sorry," he murmurs.

"It's not your fault." He presses me closer and kisses my forehead gently. He holds me for a couple of minutes. I could stay in the moment forever but I can't hide in the bathroom. I pull away and Colton keeps his arm around me as we walk out of the bathroom and back to our table.

I scans the room for Mother and find her with a guy that looks like he's maybe in his late twenties or early thirties, obviously too young for her. Colton follows my gaze and frowns when he sees them. His hand tightens on my waist and we keep walking.

When we get back to the table Ellie and Ian are talking and Bryce is on his phone. Colton and I slide into the booth and Bryce looks up.

"Don't tell me you guys made up already?" Bryce asks.

"Shut up, Bryce," I tell him. Colton laughs softly. Bryce rolls his eyes. I keep glancing at Mother and the guy she's with. I'm smiling and laughing as I talk to Colton and Bryce and we eat, but I can't help to feel sick.

Is Dad really not my dad? Am I not related to Auntie? Am I really the product of some nameless one night stand and my slutty mother? I can't seem to stop questioning and wondering.

At some point I feel a hand on my thigh and I look at Colton, smirking. But then I realize it's my right leg. Bryce is to my right. I look at him and he's looking all too arrogant. I cough and kick his leg. His only response is to my his hand a little bit higher on my thigh. His touch seems to pull me out of my thoughts.

Bryce's fingers start to trace patterns and I sit up a little bit straighter. My heart's beating fast. Why is Bryce affecting me? Colton says something and I don't hear him.

"Huh? Can you say that one more time?" I ask Colton.

"I asked if you wanted desert." He frowns slightly, his eyes searching mine.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really deep in thought. About you know...," I say softly to Colton. He nods and his hand moves to my other leg and squeezes my knee gently. Oh, sweet Jesus. I just hope Colton's hand doesn't bump Bryce's. I cough and say, "Uh, desert sounds good,"

"Yeah," Bryce says. His hand moves a little bit higher under my dress. "Desert does sound good."

"I swear," I mutter quietly. Bryce's eyes are glittering with amusement. I shake my head. The waiter comes by and grabs our plates, taking our dessert orders. Colton gets up and goes to the bathroom, Ellie and Ian are deep in conversation, which leaves me and Bryce.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, turning so I can look him the eye.

"What are you talking about?" he asks. I touch his hand, the one that's on my leg. "Oh, that. I didn't think you minded. You seem to like my touch." I laugh.

"What could possibly give you that idea?" I ask him. He leans closer to me.

"Your heartbeat speeds up," he murmurs, he's so close that his lips are almost brushing my ear. "Your breathing quickens. Your lips part. You probably don't even realize it, but you lean in closer to me. Have you noticed how you react to me?"

Fuck, he's right. I do react to him. "What are you doing, Bryce?" I ask him. "I'm with Colton and he's one of your friends. I'm taken."

"I do what I want," he tells me.

"And you want me?" I ask, licking my lips slowly, leaning in slightly closer. I shift so his hands moves up a little more "What are you doing to me?" I murmur.

"What do you want me to do to you?" Bryce asks. "Just tell me, sweetheart."

"Do you even wear contacts?" I ask him. Bryce shakes his head. "This is wrong. It's so wrong," I say. Bryce shrugs.

"But it feels right." His voice is rough, his gaze intense. What am I doing? I'm with Colton. I like Colton, I like him a lot. We get along well, we have great chemistry and yet here I am, with Bryce.

I don't even like Bryce. He's a douche. We've never gotten along. But I can't move. I can't pull myself away from him in this dark booth. Colton's due back from the bathroom at any minute, Ellie and Ian are right across from us and Mother's in the same room as me.

But none of that is registering in my mind.

All that I'm thinking about is Bryce.

"Why are we doing this, Bryce?" I ask him. "You and I both know that I'm with Colton, but it doesn't seem to matter. You don't seem to care."

"Why do you keep reminding me about Colton?" Bryce asks. "He doesn't deserve you."

"And you do?"

Before he can answer me, Colton comes back. Bryce's hand is still on my leg. I want him to move it, but higher. I don't want him to pull away. I shake my head and grab Colton's hand. He smiles at me. The waiter comes back with dessert.

After we pay and eat dessert, we're walking to my car. Colton shoves Bryce out of the way, claiming shotgun. We drop Bryce and Ian off and then drive Ellie home. Colton stays in the car while I walk Ellie up to her house.

"Did you have fun?" I ask her. She grins and nods.

"I really, really like Ian," she tells me. I grin back at her.

"That's good," I say. I think back to our little conversation. "He's worried about you, you know. He asked me if you were okay." She sighs.

"I don't want to tell him." Her eyes are wide but unafraid.

"You don't have to, Ellie," I say. She sighs with relief.

"Bye, Andy," Ellie says. She throws her arms around my waist. "Thank you, for tonight."

"No problem. Sleep tight," I say, she lets go of me.

She unlocks the door and calls over her shoulder, "Good night. Love you."

"Love you too," I say and she shuts the door. I walk back to my car.

Colton smiles at me as we drive away.

 My thoughts can't help but to drift to Bryce. 

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