Chapter Twenty-Six

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We have another dissection today in Biology. And Colton has to do it. Plus, he's being a real piece of work. "Can you please focus?" I ask him. He shrugs.

"I'm too distracted by the dress you were wearing last night," Colton says. This morning Dad was gone but Mom was still passed out. "Well, and the shirt you're wearing now." I have a henley on with the top button undone. I roll my eyes.

"Please, just fucking focus," I mutter to him as Mr. Burton starts talking. Most kids are pretty restless considering that it's the last period on a Friday. Colton shrugs and his scent hits me. Holy fuck, he smells good.

Mr. Burton starts passing out frogs and the the necessary tools. "Chill out," Colton says.

"Don't fuck up," I tell him. We get handed our frog and Colton picks up the scalpel. He makes a couple of cuts. "You're doing it wrong," I tell him. He shoots me an irritated look and continues.

"Shut up, Mo," he mutters. "I'm doing my best," he says quietly. Colton makes another cut that's wrong, but I don't say anything. He accidentally cuts a little too deep and punctures the heart.

"Damn it, Colton! You just punctured the heart," I hiss. He throws his hands up in the air and stands up. I stand up too. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask.

"Why don't you do it?" he says. "I quit." Colton starts to step forward. But in one motion he trips on the leg of his chair and starts to fall down. His arms fail and try to catch something.

He grabs onto my shirt and there's a loud rip. I gape and inhale sharply when I see that my shirt is torn open. The entire class has turned to watch us. Most of the guys are staring at my heaving chest. He stands still. "Oh, shit. I'm sorry-" he starts.

"You little bitch!" I yell. I shove him and he falls back onto the table. I step closer to him, but before I can punch him, his hands grab my waist and pull me on top of his hips. My legs are on either side of Colton, so it looks like I'm straddling him. My fist flies and connects with his cheek. He winces and then he actually grabs my boobs and feels me up.

I go to punch by he grabs my fist and somehow I end up pinned underneath him on the table. I wish I could focus on beating the shit out of him rather than how fucking good he smells. I squirm under Colton, trying to get back on top. I throw all my weight to the left and we go tumbling onto the ground, off the table.

He grunts as we hit the ground. He took all of the impact because I wound up on top of him. I don't waste any more time before I punch him again the same spot on his cheek. Somehow he manages to roll on top of me. I go to punch him but his arms pin mine above my head. I grunt and slam my knee into his groin.

He releases a strangled breath but his grip doesn't falter on my wrists. His face is in the crook of my neck. I manage to dig my nails into his wrist and he lets go of my arm. I know it's childish, but I grab onto his hair and yank.

We end up rolling on the ground and I'm on top of him again. I feel an arm wrap around my stomach and pull me off of Colton. I thrash and kick Colton as we both get hauled to our feet.

"Chill out," the guy murmurs. I crane my head to look at him.

"Let go of me, Bryce," I say. I try to get out of his grasp, but Bryce's grip is tight. "Fucking let go of me."

"Look, I don't care if you go beat his ass again, but chill out. Burton is a new shade of red. Don't make this worse than it already is," Bryce tells me. Everyone's staring at us. Including Mr. Burton who looks really pissed off.

"Fine," I mutter. He lets go of me. I step away from him and look down, frowning at my ripped open shirt. I shoot a glance at Colton. He looks unfazed.

"To the principal's office, both of you. Now!" Mr. Burton barks.

"I didn't do anything! He's the one-" I start.

"Now!" Mr. Burton barks out again. 

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