Chapter Fifteen

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What?" I ask. Colton's covering his mouth with his hand and Mason's bright red.

"You just said...that!" she sputters. I roll my eyes.

"Whatever," I say. My phone rings. "I have to take a call. I'll be right back." I walk out of the room and hear Victoria apologizing profusely for me. "Hey, Ellie, what's up?"

"Hi, Andy." I hear her cough.

"You okay?"

"I'm good. I'm just bored. What are you doing?" I smile and sit down.

"Okay, so, do you remember the guy I brought to the hospital a little while ago? We watched Scooby Doo with you? Well it turns out that his cousin, Mason, is marrying Victoria," I tell her.

"So?" she asks. I can hear hospital chatter on her line.

"So...I'm Victoria's Maid of Honor, and Colton is the Best Man. And right now we're meeting with a chick that'll help to plan their wedding."

"Sounds almost fun," Ellie says.

"Yeah," I say. I smile.

"Do you like Colton?" she asks.

"'s, um, complicated."

"So, that means that he's not as terrible as you thought, right?"

"Yeah. What are you in the hospital for?" I don't hear an answer. "Eleanor Rosanna Hopkins! You better tell me!"

"Don't freak out but..."

"But what?"

"I um, sort of collapsed at school yesterday," she tells me. She cuts me off before I can say anything. "Don't worry! The doctors are running some tests. Anyways, I fainted during recess and Ian came running and he carried me to the nurse's office! Isn't that great?"

"Yeah. A little bit," I say. I look up and see Colton walking towards me. "Hey, give me a second," I say into the phone.

"Yeah, okay," she says. I press the phone into my shoulder.

"What do you want?" I ask Colton. He sits down next to me.

"A lot of things." He looks at me, at my tits.

"Mmm, thanks for that," I say. I give him a pointed look.

"Who are you on the phone with? Your boyfriend?" he asks. I smirk.

"Why? You jealous? Oh, I forgot, you're just moody because your fuck-buddy's getting married and doesn't want to jerk you off anymore. And it must sting a bit that it's to a girl," I tell him. He just smiles, his pretty green eyes lit up.

He runs a hand through his hair, leans closer to me and he says, "I have to admit, I'm really turned on right now." He just said that. He really just said that he was turned on.

"Uglh, what's wrong with you? I have a ten-year old on the phone. You dick," I say. He frowns.

"Why are you talking to a ten-year old?" Colton asks.

"I'm talking to Ellie. You met her," I tell him. His smile softens.

"Can I talk to her?" he asks.

"Um...okay. Just keep it appropriate. You know, PG," I say. He nods and I hand him the phone. He takes it and starts talking. I get up and wander to the bathroom. I fix my makeup and walk back out. Colton hands me my phone. "Did you have a nice chat?"

"Yeah," he says.

"What did you guys about?" I ask.

"Just stuff," Colton says.

"Riiiight. Well, we should probably get back in there," I say. He nods and when we get back, Victoria and Mason are shaking hands with Ms. Monroe.

"Thank you so much for seeing us," Victoria says.

"We'll talk later," Ms. Monroe says. She looks at me. "Andy, will you stay for a minute?" I look around.

"Me?" I ask. She nods. Colton puts his hand on my ass and shoves me forward. He closes the doors. Ms. Monroe gets up and sits on the desk. "So, what can I help you with?" I ask her. She smiles at me.

"You know, most people hold their tongue around me," she says.

"Your point is?" I ask.

"You don't. And I find that refreshing," she says. I stare blankly.

"Look, Ms. Monroe, I have to go so...get to whatever speech you have," I say.

"You can call me Lilian. But, I'd like to offer you a job," Lilian says.

"Excuse me?" I say. "You do know that I'm in high school, right?"

"Yes. I do understand that. The job that I'm offering pays well. You would be kind of like my assistant. You'd be able to travel around with me," she says.

"I'm not fetching damn cappuccinos. But, I'll uh, think about it," I say. She hands me her card.

"Give me a call," she says. I nod and walk out. Colton's leaning against the wall.

"Hey, what'd she want?" he asks.

"None of your business. Where are Victoria and Mason?" I ask him. He smirks.

"Where do you think?" We start walking to the car.

"Uh...a janitor closet?" I say. He laughs and throws his arm around my shoulders. I don't push his arm off.

"Look who has a dirty mind! Try the car," Colton says. I frown. "They're waiting in the car. Not going at it."

"Oh," I say. I shrug. We walk to the parking lot and get in the car. "So...what'd she say?" I ask.

Victoria turns back and says, "She said that we'd be in touch."

"Jesus, are you kidding me with this shit? We drove twelve or thirteen hours to talk to a chick for five minutes?" I say. Colton frowns and counts things off on his fingers.

"Yeah," Victoria says. I sigh. "We're almost at the hotel." 

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