Chapter Forty-One

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"You're out, Dylan!" Bryce shouts at a kid who he just pelted with a ball. We're playing Sniper in gym. It's basically dodgeball, but you have two Snipers on your side from the other team. The Snipers are each on mats that they can't step off of. They get dodgeballs by catching the ones thrown by their teammates. If you get hit by a ball thrown by someone on the other team or a Sniper you're out, but if you a catch a ball that's been thrown by a Sniper or anyone else, then they're out. If a Sniper makes a basket, everyone on their team is revived.

Colton and Bryce are Snipers. Greyson and I are on the other team. We're leaning against the bleachers. Our team isn't doing very well, since Colton and Bryce can both whip balls at kids and shoot baskets.

"How's it going with your boy?" Greyson asks me.

"Pretty good," I tell him. "How are you and Christian doing?"

"Okay, I guess. Her shit boyfriend's in town," he tells me.

"Oh, that sucks. What's he like?" I ask. I glance over a Bryce for some reason. He smirks at me and whips a ball in my direction. I step to the side and it smacks the wall. "Was that supposed to be aimed at me?" Bryce nods, grinning. "Fuck off!" He laughs and shakes his head.

I look back at Greyson. "Trevor's a dick," he tells me. "Fuck, I think he's twenty-eight. I thought he was gay to be honest." Greyson shakes his head.

"Is Trevor stopping you from anything?" I ask Greyson. He laughs.

"Fuck no. He's not doing anything. I don't even think he realizes that we're happening," he says.

"Happening?" I raise my eyebrows. Greyson grins sheepishly.

"Yeah, we uh, kind of keep reconnecting," he says. I grin at him.

"Good for you, buddy," I say. I bump my hip into his, or try to. Greyson's almost a full foot taller than me. He smirks and looks over at Colton.

"Your boy looks pissed off." I look at Colton. He's glaring at Greyson. Colton whips a ball at Greyson, the ball hits Greyson square in the chest, there's a loud smack. But the ball doesn't drop to the ground because Greyson's holding it.

"You're out, Roid Rage!" Greyson yells. Colton's eyes flare. "Try to throw it harder next time!" I laugh.

"How long has Christian been dating Trevor?" I ask Greyson.

"A while. Maybe since the beginning of the school year," he says. I nod. I look at Bryce, he's already looking at me. Fuck, Bryce looks hot in his gym uniform. He has on basketball shorts and a tight t-shirt. I shake my head and look away. "Why is Blondie staring at you?" Greyson asks. I shrug and look at the ground.

"It's uh, kind of complicated," I say. I'm grinning and I can't figure out why. I look at Greyson and he raises his eyebrow. "What? Don't look at me like that!" Greyson laughs.

"What's Roid Rage doing about it?" he asks.

"Colton doesn't know. Fuck, I don't know. Bryce and I didn't really happen, but we kind of did," I tell him. "I feel guilty but I don't."

"You know, Blondie hasn't taken his eyes off of you. I don't think your boy's noticed. He's too pissed because we're talking." Greyson think about something for a second before saying, "Well that and the fact I caught his ball."

I laugh and hit his arm. "You're terrible. Why do you have nicknames for people? Don't you know their names?" I ask, I glance at Bryce.

"I like nicknames better. They're more suiting," he tells me. He looks like he's gonna say something but a ball smacks his leg.

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