Chapter Sixty

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I roll onto my side and nestle closer to Bryce. I look at my watch. It's 9:47. I smile when I remember last night. Bryce loves me. After we had sex, we took a bath, had more sex and then went to bed.

I feel so happy it's ridiculous. "Morning, sweetheart," Bryce says. He kisses my forehead.

"Morning," I say.

"How does a bath and room service sound?" Bryce asks. I smile

"Perfect," I tell him. He slides out of bed and walks into the bathroom. I don't deserve him. I smile and stand up. I slide on my bra and panties and look out the window. It's a rare sunny day. I watch cars go by and people walk.

"What is this?" Bryce asks, his voice is cold. I turn around.

"What's what?" I ask. My smile fades when I see that he's holding my phone. I grab it from him. It's a text from Colton: hey. can't stop thinking about r kiss. love u.

"Please tell me he has the wrong number," Bryce says. I shake my head.

"I can explain it," I say. "Colton told me he loved me during the Prom after-party. He kissed me."

"And you kissed him back." His face is blank, his voice is cold.

"Yes, but only to see-"

"Do you love him?" Bryce yells.

"I...I don't know," I say. It's true. I don't know if I love Colton.

"Unbelievable," Bryce mutters. "Fucking unbelievable."

"Bryce," I say.

"I'm going into the bathroom and I don't want to see you when I come out." He walks into the bathroom and slams the door. I grab my dress and slip it on quickly. I pull on my heels and grab my bag.

I walk out of the room and take the stairs down to the main level. "Fuck," I say as I push through the door and start walking. I pull my hair into a ponytail and put on my sunglasses.

I don't think Bryce and I are going to be okay. He loves me but he probably thinks I'm some whore that was using him. "Fuck," I say louder.

I don't know how I feel about Bryce but nw everything's ruined. All because of some stupid text from Colton. I don't know how I feel about either of them. I just know it's different.

I keep walking. I don't know where I'm going, I just know I need to get away from that hotel. Away from him.

Why do Bryce and I keep ending up like this?

We're together and happy and then Colton does something and everything's fucked. It always ends up being my fault. I need to figure out how I feel about Colton before I can talk to Bryce again.

I need to to talk to Colton and let him know I feel. But first I need to figure out what that is.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

God, it was so much easier before Bryce. It was me and Colton and it was easy. But then Bryce happened and everything got turned upside down. It was like Colton didn't even matter. All of those times Bryce and I almost made out while Colton was a couple of feet away.

When I was with Colton I wasn't really with him. My mind was always on Bryce. I was always thinking about how he called me sweetheart or how his voice got more more rough and southern.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Fucking hell.

Why can't I just be with Bryce? We're always so happy together. But it never ends uo sticking. What's keeping us apart? Why does it always hurt so much when we break up?

I didn't care when Colton cheated on me. It didn't matter. I was kind of glad because then it gave me a reason to break up with him, so I could be with Bryce. But it always stings with Bryce, I always miss him.

I never really missed Colton. It never bothered me seeing him at school. Talking to him in Biology. I didn't care when he was with other girls, even when we were together. But if I saw Bryce with another would destroy me.

Why is everything so different between the two of them?

I care so much more about Bryce than I ever really did about Colton. Colton was fun, a fling. He helped me through the stuff with Mother. It was nice. We had fun.

But Bryce.

He corrupts my thoughts and always seems to be on my mind. It's intense and addicting and I can never get enough of him. I barely know him, but it's like I've known him for years. He's always easy to talk to and he notices things about me. He understands me.

Bryce loves me.

My mind spins as I process everything.

It hits me like a fucking bus:

I love Bryce.

But I might be too late. 

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