Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I spin around. Greyson's pinned against a locker by none other than Colton. Colton has a tight grip on him. "What the fuck were you just doing with her, huh?" Colton asks. He slams Greyson into the locker.

Greyson glares at him defiantly and doesn't say anything. "What the fuck is your problem, Colton?" I yell at him. He turns his head to look at me.

"You were screaming, I heard you and-"

"And you what? You thought I needed your help? I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. You're such a stupid fucker!" I say. Colton looks away from me.

"She told you to stop. When she says stop, you stop," Colton says in a low voice to Greyson. Colton has a weird, eerily calm demeanor.

Greyson cranes his head to smirk at me. "Who the fuck is this beauty queen?" Greyson jerks his head towards Colton. I start laughing. Colton doesn't seem to find this so funny. Colton's eyes are bright and angry. And Greyson's are bored and irritated. This is gonna get real ugly real fast.

"Colton, let go of Greyson," I say. I don't think that Colton hears me, that, or he just doesn't care. I walk a couple of steps toward them. Colton slams Greyson against a locker again.

"What's your problem, man? You her boyfriend or something?" Greyson asks Colton.

"As far as you're concerned, yes," Colton growls. Greyson looks at me.

"He's not my fucking boyfriend," I say. I take another couple of steps towards them and now I'm close enough to smell Colton. "Colton, you're being a creepy jackass. Let go of Greyson." Colton doesn't let go.

I sigh and then duck under Colton's arm. Colton's eyes bore into mine. He doesn't let go of Greyson. I'm pressed against Colton. "Stay out of this," Colton says in a low voice to me.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do," I say. My face is close to his. "You don't even know what you saw."

Colton laughs darkly. He raises an eyebrow and says, "Oh, really? Then why don't you explain to me what happened."

His breath tickles my face and I resist the urge to shiver. "Let go of Greyson and then I'll explain it to you," I say in an even voice. He lets go of Greyson, but not before slamming him one last time against a locker. Greyson's leaning against the locker with a smirk.

"Go ahead," Colton says. I look at Greyson.

"You see, Greyson and I are-" I start.

"Dating," Greyson fills in. He slings his arm around my shoulders. I can't help but smirk at the priceless expression on Colton's face. "Right, baby?" Greyson asks. I nod and slide my arm around his waist. I'm glad he's playing along.

Colton shakes his head. "Yeah, right," Colton says. He's not looking at Greyson, just me.

"You don't believe me?" I ask him. Colton shrugs. "Fine," I say slowly. I turn to face and Greyson.

Before anyone can do anything I lock my arms around Greyson's neck and kiss him. Greyson doesn't hesitate to kiss me back. I stretch up on my toes and grind myself against him. Greyson grabs my hips and I walk him back against a locker.

I'm glad Greyson's playing my little game. I don't even know why I'm pulling any of this shit. Maybe it's just to get a reaction out of Colton.

Greyson's a skilled kisser, but there's not really fireworks. I guess that's not the point. I press myself closer to Greyson. I don't know why but, I have to make Colton mad.

Greyson plays along and deepens the kiss and moves his hand lower on my back and then lower to my ass after shooting a look at Colton.

Colton grabs my waist and rips me off of Greyson. I smile, self-satisfied. "What the fuck are you doing, Andy?" Colton asks. I shrug.

"You didn't believe Greyson and I were dating," I say with a lazy smile.

"Who the fuck is Greyson? I don't actually care. And just because you made out, it doesn't mean you guys dating," Colton tells me.

"Why do you care so much?" I ask. I shove him.

"I don't care." His eyes meet me. I shake my head.

"But you do. You do care, Colton," I say. He opens his mouth but I cut him off. "You do fucking care! Because what the fuck was all of that? What was all that shit that you were just pulling! You have no right to tell me what to do!"

Colton laughs. "Really? What about all of that shit you just pulled with that pussy?" I shove Colton again. He shrugs me off and I shove him a third time.

"God, you're such a just make me so angry! Why are such an asshole? I'm gonna kill you," I say. I shove him again and he grabs my arms.

"Are you actually flustered?" Colton asked he steps closer to me.

"Get off me," I mutter. He lets go of my wrists. I start to walk away.

"Yeah, keep walking," Colton calls to me. I spin on my heel and shove him one last time.

"You're such a little bitch," I say. Colton just stares at me with a knowing look in his green eyes. I walk away from him and look for Greyson. I find him leaning against a wall.

"Hey," he says. "You and that fucktard need to work your shit out."

"Tell me about it," I say. "Thanks for playing along back there. You saved my ass."

"No problem," Greyson says. He smiles I smile back. "You got any plans for the weekend?"

"Colton and I are driving up to my cabin so we can get it ready for my dad's birthday," I tell him. He nods. "What about you?" I ask.

"Not much." Greyson pauses. "I can help break you out." I laugh.

"You're kidding, right?" I ask.

"How long is the drive to your cabin?" he asks.

"Three hours," I tell him.

"I'll break you out," Greyson says. I raise my eyebrows.

"Why?" I ask.

"I've got nothing better to do. And it'll piss Ms. Rollins off," he says. I assume Ms. Rollins is the teacher that's supposed to be watching us.

"If you're sure," I say. He nods. "So, what's your plan?" 

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