Chapter Four

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"Where is he?" I ask Victoria. She shrugs. We've been waiting for an hour for the Best Man to come. I look at Mason and he shrugs. I get up and walk to the bathroom. I smooth down my skirt. I wore a grey skirt with a green blouse and high top Vans.

I sigh and look at myself in the mirror. My hair is crazy because it's humid out and raining. It always rains. I don't live in a particularly big city. There's around 231,000 people It's heavily forested and towards richer neighborhoods there can be several miles between houses.

I brush my bangs out of my face and sigh. I walk back to the table and sit down. I look down at my phone and Mason gets up. He hugs someone and I look up.

I groan when I see who Mason's hugging. "Colton, what the fuck are you doing here?" I stand up and glare at him.

"You two know each other?" Victoria asks.

"That's the asshole I was telling you about. The one that felt me up in Biology," I say. Colton just smirks.

"Hey, honey, I didn't know you were matching me today," Colton says. I frown and look at him.

"What the fuck are you talking about? And if you call me honey again I'll cut off your balls with a scalpel in Bio," I tell Colton.

"We match," Colton tells me. I look at him and realize that he has on grey pants and a green shirt. I have a grey skirt and a green blouse. I open my mouth but Victoria cuts me off. 

"How do you know Mason, Colton?" she asks.

"We're cousins," Colton says boredly. He's taken a seat on my side of the booth. He pats the seat next to him and I sit down.

"Why were you so late?" I ask Colton. His foot taps mine.

"Mason called me. I was at home," he says. His foot keeps tapping mine.

"Stop kicking me," I hiss at him. I slam my heel into his foot.

"No," he hisses back.

"Yeah, but my best man canceled and he was gonna be one of my groomsmen," Mason explains.

"Oh, what happened to Jeremiah?" Victoria asks. Mason coughs.

"He uh, was hungover," Mason says.

"Is it really  a good idea for Jeremiah to be your Best Man?" she asks him. Colton's foot keeps tapping mine. I shoot him a look. "It seems like he's either drunk or hungover," she adds.

"Yeah, uh, I should rethink that a bit," Mason says. He grins at Colton. "Colton, you're my new Best Man," he says.

"What? No, he-he can't be-" I start, but Colton cuts me off.

"I accept." I glare at him and he smirks.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask Victoria.

"We're going to look at a place. We'll be looking at a lot of them. About fifteen, actually. We've already selected all of the venus. But you guys have to come with us and help us select the one," Victoria says. I nod and keep glaring at Colton.

"Stop fucking kicking me," I tell him. His lips curl into a smile. Our food comes and Colton frowns.

"Why don't I have anything?" he asks me.

"Because you were late," I tell him. He starts eating some of my fries. I shove the plate at him. "Here, I'm not hungry anymore."

He takes it and starts eating. His foot has finally stopped tapping mine. I'm practically falling out of the seat trying to get away from him. "How are you the Maid of Honor?" Colton asks me.

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