Chapter Thirty-Four

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Colton shakes me awake gently. I blink and rub my eyes. "We're at my apartment. I wasn't sure if you wanted me to drive you home, but you can stay with us otherwise," he says, he has a faint smile on his lips. I rub my eyes and blink a couple of times.

"Uh," I say. "Are you sure it's okay if I stay with you guys?" Colton nods. He gets out of the car and grabs our stuff. I open the door and shut it, following him to his apartment. He hands me my car keys.

Once we're in the elevator, it's almost awkward. I pull out my phone and text my dad: Happy birthday, Daddy. Hope it went well. I'm going to stay with Auntie tonight. Love you.

I stare at the text for a second and then delete it. "Son of a bitch," I mutter as I try to think of something to say to him. Hey Dad, sorry I missed your birthday. Mom's a whore and I caught her having sex with Harrison. Sorry I couldn't make it to your party, I just didn't want to put up with her shit.

I delete that too and shove my phone into my pocket with an irritated groan. Colton looks at me and I shrug. We get off on his floor and he leads me to his apartment. He unlocks the door and we walk all in. He drops his bag on the floor and walk to the kitchen where there's a note, presumably from his mom.

"So, uh, where should I sleep?" I ask him. I glance at the clock on the stove. It's 5:13.

"You can sleep in my bed." I nod and walk to his room. His room's messy. Books are scattered everywhere and clothes are on his floor. There's a pile of candy wrappers and it looks like used condoms. I roll my eyes and set my backpack down on his unmade bed. Colton walks in and looks around. I smirk at him.

"That's a nice little pile over there," I tell him, pointing to the condoms and candy wrappers. He smiles at me sheepishly. I sit down on the edge of his desk.

"I'm going to grab a shirt," Colton says. "I can grab one from my mom's room for you, if you want." I shake my head.

"Can I borrow a pair of sweatpants or something? My jeans feel disgusting," I say. Colton nods. He tosses me a pair of athletic shorts. I catch the shorts and set them on the desk. He unzips his hoodie and tosses it on the floor. He's shirtless. I unbutton and unzip my jeans, pulling them off my legs.

Colton's not wearing a shirt and I'm not wearing pants. I look at Colton and he's staring at me. His eyes are so dark and filled with lust that they look more black than green. I have my hands on the shorts but I'm not moving towards putting them on.

"Aren't you going to grab a shirt?" I ask him. Colton doesn't answer me, his intense gaze is still focused entirely on me. He's maybe three or four feet away from me. I swallow and start to put on the shorts but then Colton's right in front of me, tearing the shorts from my hands and he's crushing his mouth over mine. I gasp but then I'm kissing him back, arching closer to him.

His hands are gripping my hips and running the length of my chest. He's kissing me and it's not pretty or sweet. It hard and deep and rough and intense. My hands are tangling in his hair and trying to feel all of him. His hands slip under my shirt and I moan as his skin touches mine. I grind against him and he kisses me harder. We can't get enough of each other.

Colton's hands are both under my shirt and I pull away so I can take it off. My shirt's gone and then I'm against the wall and Colton's kissing my neck. He has knee in between my thighs. His hands are roaming over my exposed hips and waist. I gasp when his hand brushes my inner thigh.

My head's spinning and I'm still pressing closer to him. His lips are wandering lower. His mouth is past my collarbone and I'm going crazy. We can't get close enough. He has one hand on my hip and his other hand is running the length of my thigh. I swear he's driving me crazy.

Colton's mouth comes back to mine and then he grabs my ass and lifts me against the wall. My legs wrap around his waist and my back arches so I'm pressed tightly against him. It feels so good. My mouth opens wider and Colton deepens the kiss. His hands are running over my bare legs. I'm only in my bra and panties.

I break the kiss and look down to make sure that I'm not in a sports bra and Mickey Mouse undies or some shit. I sigh relieved to find a very sexy, dark green bra that's lacy and makes my boobs look almost like they're spilling out. I have on a pair of lacy black panties that match it well. "Oh, thank God," I mutter. Colton stares at me.

"You're so sexy," Colton says and then he's kissing me and I can't think straight. I have my hands in his hair. God, it feels amazing. Colton's making my head spin. He smells incredibly good and he tastes hot and sweet and spicy. I'm drowning in him.

He pulls his mouth away from mine and he's kissing my neck again. I'm panting and breathing heavy. He has one arm under my ass, supporting me, and his other hand is running along my bare legs. His mouth is covering mine again and he's kissing me deep and hard. I'm lost in the kiss.

I'm so lost in the kiss that when there's a loud ringing I jump. Luckily, Colton has a tight grip on me, so I don't fall. "Oh, shit. I think that's my phone," I say. My voice comes out weird. Colton nods and I unwrap my legs from his waist. He keeps his hands on my hips as I slide down the wall.

Once my feet are firmly planted on the ground he lets go of me. I slip out of the space between Colton and the wall. I grab my phone from his desk and grab a shirt from the floor. Walking into the hallway, I answer the call.

"Hey," I say my voice comes out raspy and throaty.

"Hey, Andy," Ellie says. "Are you okay?" I cough.

"I'm good. What's up? Are you okay? You're not in the hospital are you?" I say. I slip on Colton's shirt.

"No, no. It's nothing like that," she says.

"What is it then?' I ask.

"We're having a school dance and Ian asked me!" Eleanor says, squealing.

"That's amazing!" I say.

"Can you take me to it? Mom has work and I want you there," she says.

"Sure, I'd love to. When's the dance?" I ask.

"It's on Friday from five to eight," she tells me.

"Hey, why don't I pick you up on Thursday from school? We can have a girls day and get ready for the dance," I say.

"Yeah! Well, I gotta go. I'll see you later. Love you," she says. I smile.

"Love you too, Ellie," I say and smile and I end the call. I lean against the wall and bite my lip. I walk back into Colton's room. He's sprawled lazily on the bed and he's shirtless. I grab the shorts that Colton gave me and slip them on.

"Who called you?" Colton asks, looking up from the book he's reading.

"Do you remember the little girl that you met at the hospital? Ellie? She has a dance at her school. I'm gonna take her to it," I tell him.

"So, you're her date?" Colton asks. I laugh.

"Nope, she already has one. I'm more of her chaperone and ride." Colton smiles. He sits up, leaning against the headboard, and scoots over on his bed. I sit down and he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"How old is she, again?" Colton asks.

"She's ten," I tell him. Colton laughs.

"And she has a boyfriend. That's impressive," Colton says, shaking his head. I smile and put my head on his chest. I slide my arm around his waist.

"Yeah. She really likes him. He seems sweet from what she's told me," I say.

"I can go with you," he says.

"What? To the dance or something?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll be your date," Colton say. I sit up and look at him.

"Really? You know it's an elementary school dance and that we'll probably end up handing out punch or something, right?" I ask. Colton nods. I smile and he smiles back. "Thank you, Colton," I say. He grins at me.

"You better wear a tight, little, sexy dress." I shake my head and swat his arm.

"It's an elementary school dance. Try to keep it in your pants, bud," I tell him.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go get something to eat," Colton says. I smile. 

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