Chapter 6

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Kara and Mon-El were on their date and they were having a good time. It was like they had never been apart. They also knew that at some point they would have to come up with a plan to defeat his mother just in case she did show up.

They were about to do Karaoke and Mon-El did just as bad this time as he did the first time. When Kara got up on stage, she started singing the super friends song that she sung with Barry in that music world they were in. Everyone seemed to love it.

Kara got a message from the DEO and took out her phone to call Alex to see if she was needed tonight. Alex said "No, you enjoy the rest of your date. I was just calling to let you know that General Lane was just here and he wants you to fight Red Tornado again."

"That's fine. This time I am going to tear that thing apart. Hopefully I won't blow out my powers this time." Kara said.

"I'm sure you will be fine. If not, you have more people to help you this time. You have your mom, Astra, and Mon-El." Said Alex

"Yeah. You're right. Well I am going to get back to my date. See you tomorrow." Kara said before hanging up.

Kara found Mon-El at the pool table. They decided that they were going to play a few games before calling it a night. They went back to her apartment. They started to make out heavily. It was a good thing that her mom and aunt were already asleep because Kara would have been really embarrassed if they had walked in on her and Mon-El. They found their way to the bedroom and they made love for most of the night.

The next morning Kara woke up and told her mom, aunt, and Mon-El what would be going on at the DEO that day. Kara said "I have beat this machine before but the last time it caused me to use all of my energy and I lost my powers for a few days. I am pretty sure that I should be able to beat it this time without having that happen. If, for some reason I am wrong, I will need you three to step up for a few days."

"We will do whatever you need little one." Astra said.

"Alright so I am heading to the DEO to get this over with. I will let you know how it goes." Kara said.

"Are you crazy. We are going with you." Alura said.

"If you want to that's fine." Kara said before flying out of the window toward the DEO.

Kara got to the DEO and saw General Lane and Lucy standing there. She walked up to J'onn and said "When the General is not paying attention give Lucy her memories back. She might be good to have around."

J'onn nodded and then the General came over and explained what was going to happen today. Kara nodded and went out to get ready to fight Red Tornado.

When she saw the machine start to move, she tried to use here speed to beat it and it seemed to be working because the machine could not keep up with her. After she had had enough of toying with the machine she went up and tore its legs, arms, and head off and then used her heat vision to set the rest of it on fire. She was pleased with herself because she knew that the General was going to be pissed because he had thought he had found a way to kill Kryptonians.

"That was a bit overkill wouldn't you say Supergirl. You just destroyed a multi-million dollar robot that the government was paying for." General Lane said.

"Sorry, just got a little too much into the fight." Kara said with a smile.

The General was so mad it looked like his head was going to explode. A lot of the people that had been watching the fight were laughing because Supergirl beat the robot so easily. That didn't seem to be making the General's mood any better. When he walked off Lucy walked up to her and said "I'm sorry Kara. He was trying to kill you. He really hates aliens. Anyways, I am going to be joining the DEO so I hope to get to work with you some in the future."

"Hey Lucy. Give James a chance he knows that I have a boyfriend and you were probably his best relationship. He and Lena's relationship was just toxic." Kara said.

"I will think about it Kara. I will see you later." Lucy said.

Kara then walked over to J'onn, Mon-El, Alex, Alura and Astra who were all laughing and shaking their head. They could not believe that she had done that much damage to the robot. They thought that she was just going to beat it, not tear it apart.

"I can't believe you did so much damage to that robot. Why didn't you just do that last time?" Alex asked.

"Last time I was worried about what people thought and because of that it got away and caused a lot of damage. I was not going to let that happen again. And it was also fun to see the look on General Lane's face." Kara said while laughing.

"It sure was quite the show. Are you sure you are ok?" Alura asked.

To prove that she was ok she shot the burning pile of robot parts with her heat vision again to cause it the fire to get even bigger. They all laughed thinking that was good enough to prove that she was fine.

"Yeah, so I need to go to work and see if I can write an article about the General trying to build a robot that can kill aliens. That might get him fired or at the very least demoted." Kara said.

"See you later" Everyone said as she flew off to work.

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