Chapter 10

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Kara woke up the next morning and decided that since she was up first, she would make breakfast for everyone. She decided that she was going to make pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. When she was about done, her mom walked into the kitchen and smiled at her and said "So, what do you have planned for today Kara?"

"I don't have to go back to work until Monday, so I figured I would just hang around here with you and Aunt Astra and Mon-El. What about you?" Kara asked.

"I could really use some relaxation. I have been working really hard to get the transmat portal to work with your aunt. I am really burnt out. If it was not Christmas break, I might have taken off a few days anyways." Alura said.

Mon-El and Astra both walked in a few minutes later, being awoke be the smell of the breakfast that Kara had been making. She was about done by the time everyone had their first cup of coffee. The food was put onto for plates and then they were ready to eat.

After they were done eating, Kara said "I am just wondering what the next big threat will be to our city. I mean, you didn't send the message to your parents this time Mon-El, so I am wondering if we will have to deal with your mom again?"

As if to answer her question a portal opened up in her apartment and Novu walked out of it and said "You will face every enemy in this timeline as you did in the last one Supergirl. The only thing that might change is the reason that those people might be your enemies."

"So, I will have to face everyone again? That's good to know. At least I will know better how to stop them this time around." Kara said.

"Precisely, and if you do everything right you will stop the crisis from happening this time around." Novu said.

"So, what all do will have to do?" Kara asked.

"You know what you did wrong the last time. All you have to do is make sure you do not make the same mistakes. Plus there are other things that needed to change such as your mother and aunt being here now, Mon-El is supposed to be here and not in the future so you can not send him away, and you need to make sure that Lena is working with you and not against you. If you can do all of this and Team Arrow and Team Flash can do the same with their missions, then this new earth will be safe from the crisis." Novu said.

"Well that doesn't seem to be to bad." Mon-El said sarcastically.

"No, Novu is right I know what I did wrong last time and that will help me do better this time around. Thank you for coming and telling us what we needed. To do." Kara said.

"Hopefully this will be the last time that we see each other. I will not bother you again unless I see you need something or for some reason you mess up and the crisis comes again. Good luck." Novu said as he walked back through the portal and disappeared.

"Well that was interesting." Alura said.

"Yeah it was. So, what does everyone have planned for the day?" Kara asked.

"Nothing." both Alura and Astra say.

"I have to work at the bar tonight, so I am free until eight." Mon-El said.

"Well let's watch some movies on Netflix, either until you have to go work or we get a call that we have to go to the DEO." Kara said.

They all nodded and went to watch some movies. When the first movie was about over Kara's phone rung and she looked down at it and sighed. I was Alex. Which meant that she was going to have to go and work as Supergirl. She and Astra flew to the DEO, deciding to leave Alura and Mon-El there since Alura was tired and Mon-El had to go to work later.

"What do we have?" Kara asked.

"It looks like Cadmus is wanted to start up some trouble again." Alex said.

"What are they doing that time?" Kara asked.

"It looks like they have made Metallo and he is attacking people in the park." Alex said.

"Well at least this time he will not be able to hurt us. You do have your ring, right?" Kara asked her aunt.

She nodded and they both went to go find Metallo at the park. When they got there, they found him shooting his kryptonite chest at people. It was lucky that he had not hurt anyone as of yet. Kara and Astra landed, and Kara walked up to him and said, "Why don't you pick on someone who can actually fight back?"

"I have been waiting for you to show up." Metallo said as he shot his kryptonite at her and she flew back onto the ground. It didn't cause any damage. It had just surprised her a little. She had not been bracing herself. She had to thank Mon-El and Cisco when she saw them again because the ring was cause her to not be hurt by the Kryptonite.

When she got up quickly, Metallo had a worried look on his face because he was told that this would do a lot of damage to a Kryptonian. He started to fire at Kara again but the next thing he knows is that he was hit in the back of the head and he had not seen it coming. He was so focused on Supergirl that he had lost track of the other woman.

They both started hitting him from different sides. He was starting to lose consciences and when he fell to his knee, Kara knew what she had to do, so she grabbed on to the synthetic Kryptonite and ripped it out of his chest. It was the only way to stop him. They picked him up and took him to the DEO and put him in cell because Kara knew that if Cadmus found him, they would just fix him back up and they would have to deal with him again.

After they were done at the DEO, they went home to find Alura watching the news, which happened to be about them and defeating Metallo. They sat down to relax and talk about what had happened to Alura. They were happy to be done for the night and be home relaxing with their family.

Author's Note: Please leave review letting me know how I am doing. Also, let me know if you have anything that you might would like me to add and I might add it into the story. Thanks.

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