Chapter 20

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Later that week Kara walked into L Corp. When she got up to Sam's office, she saw that Lena was there as well. Lena turned to Kara and said, "I heard the good news I haven't seen you in a week so I would like to say congratulation on your engagement."

"Thanks. It was definitely a surprise. I was coming by to see Sam and ask if she would be joining us for family dinner tomorrow night?" Kara asked.

"Yes, I will be there. Ruby will be spending the night at a friend's so it will be just me this time." Sam said.

"Thanks for letting me know. I will see you tomorrow then." Kara said.

"Hold on a minute. What is going on here? Why is Sam invited to family dinner?" Lena askes.

"Oh Sorry, I haven't seen you when Sam and I have been together. It turns out after mom did some bloodwork that Sam and Kal-El are brother and sister, which makes Sam my cousin." Kara said.

"Well that's different." Lena said.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I actually have a big family here on this new earth. I am actually really liking it." Sam said.

"Will I ever find out who Kal-El really is?" Lena asked.

"That not my secret to tell, but I will call him and see if he minds you coming to the family dinner. If he says yes, then you can find out tomorrow night." Kara said.

"Thanks. I just want him to know I am nothing like my brother." Lena said.

"How about Sam and I call him right now?" Kara asked.

Sam said, "Yeah we can do that."

The phone started ringing and Kal answered. "Hello Kara, how can I help you?"

"It's both Kara and Sam, Kal-El. We have a question to asked." Sam said.

"Ok. Go ahead." Kal said.

"Um, do you mind if Lena come to family dinner tomorrow night. She knows who both of us are and we trust her. She is nothing like her brother, but it is up to you to decide." Kara said.

"If you trust her, I guess I can to. But if I see she can't be trusted we will have her mind wiped. Deal?" Kal asked.

"Deal." Both Sam and Kara said. They all said their goodbyes and hung up.

"Ok, so be at my apartment tomorrow at 6:30." Kara said.

"I will see you there." Lena said.

"Well I have got to get to work I will see yawl tomorrow." Kara said as she left to go to Catco.

When she got to work, she saw that she had some small articles to write. She got to work on the articles they took her about five hours finish. Once she was done, she sent the articles to the editor so that they would be in the next days paper. She decided that she was going to go to the DEO after work. She saw her mother hard at work, so she went up behind her and hugged her.

"How are you doing today sweetheart?" Alura asked.

"I am doing good. How about you?" Kara asked.

"I am doing good." Alura said.

"Ok, so tomorrow for dinner, Ruby is not going to be there, but Lena is coming in her place." Kara said.

"Is that ok with Kal?" Alura asked.

"We called and asked him, and he said yes." Kara said.

"Ok then." Alura said.

"Just letting you know so you could get enough to eat." Kara said.

"Thanks." Alura said.

Kara left her mother to go talk to Alex. When she got to where Alex was standing, she asked "So, it has been pretty quiet today hasn't it?"

"It's been a quiet week. So, what's up?" Alex asked.

"Not much. Just board really. I have nothing to do. I think I will go patrol for a while. Kara said while changing into her suit and flying out the window.

She didn't hear anything the whole time that she was out. She decided to just go home and relax after she finished patrolling. She turned on the television and watch the end of The Hangover.

Once her aunt and mom got home, they decided to order pizzas. When the delivery man got there Kara opened the to see a man standing there with fifteen pizzas. She almost laughed at the guys face when he saw that there were just three people there. She said, "We like to have leftovers for the rest of the week."

Once they were done eating, they watched television for the rest of the night until it was time to go to sleep.

Kara had the next day off being that it was Saturday. She went shopping with her mom for the food that they would be cooking that night. They ended up picking up steaks, baked potatoes, and stuff to make a salad. When they got home it was about time to start cooking so they put the potatoes in the oven and then about thirty minutes later they started to cook the steaks and toss the salad. When they were done Astra walked in. She had been working at the DEO that day.

About ten minutes later Sam and Lena arrived so now they were just waiting on Kal, Lois, and baby Jonathan.

"It is good to see you again Alura and Astra." Lena said.

"It is good to see you too Lena." Alura said.

"So, when is Kal going to be here. The food is getting cold." Astra said.

Just then, Kal flew into the balcony door with Lois in his arms while she was holding Jonathan.

"Hold on, why is Lois Lane here? I thought she was married to Clark Kent." Lena said.

Kal put his glasses on and said, "Nice to see you again Ms. Luthor."

"Really? Clark Kent is Superman?" Lena asked.

"Yeah he is. And you can't tell anyone that Lena." Sam said.

"Your secret is saved with me. I just want you to know that I am nothing like my brother." Lena said.

"I can already see that. If Kara and Sam trust you then so, do I." Kal said

Lena nodded and then everyone moved to the table to eat the food before it got cold. When the meal was done, they started talking about how to get rid of Reign or at least get her out of Sam's body.

"Have we had any luck finding any black kryptonite?" Kara asked.

"No. We know that there is some on Argo, but I would rather not use that if we don't have to." Alura said.

"You know I can make black kryptonite, right?" Lena said.

"I completely forgot about that. How long do you think it will take you to make some? The sooner that we get Sam and Reign separated the better." Kara said.

"It should take me a week. I will get to work on it tomorrow." Lena said.

With that all figured out they sat down and enjoyed the rest of the night. When it was ten everyone who didn't live in Kara's apartment went home for the night.

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