Chapter 26

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The next day Kara and Alura went through the transmat portal so that they could go to Argo. When they got there Alura called for a meeting with the governing council. They had to wait for an hour so that they had time to get all of the members together. Once they had everyone there Alura played the tape in which they had Selina and her friends talking about going to earth and destroying it using the world killer.

"What is this Alura. You know I would never try to do something like this. I am a law-abiding citizen of this city." Selina said.

"A couple of friends and myself from earth came here a few weeks ago and got these tapes of you and your friends conspiring to destroy earth. You have heard the proof. We must put this to a stop now." Alura said.

"This is slander. I have never tried to do anything like this in my life. We all know that there is technology on earth that can allow you to fabricate tapes like these." Selina said.

"Is this true?" One council member asked.

"Yes, it is, but this is authentic." Kara said.

"We will need to convene in private to see what to do about this information. Alura and Selina you can't be in this meeting because Alura, you are the accuser and Selina you are being accused." A council member said.

"I understand." Alura said and Selina nodded in understanding as well.

Selina turned to Alura as soon as the council left and said "So, you know what we are up to. To bad you will never be able to stop us."

"Oh, I think we will. As a matter of fact, we might already be further along in stopping you then you might think." Kara said.

"What is that supposed to mean. You will never be able to stop our three world killers." Selina said.

"Oh, thanks for letting us know that there are just three of them. Now we know what we are dealing with." Kara said, not letting on that the team had already taken care of the world killer.

"Whether you know how many there are or not, you can never stop them." Selina said.

"Maybe not, only time will tell." Alura said.

At this point the council came back into the room and delivered their verdict. "The council did not come to this decision lightly, but without any photographic evidence, we cannot determine that these tapes were not fabricated. We have no choice but to drop the charges." A council member said.

"We understand. We just wanted you to have this information." Kara said.

"Thank you for bringing it to our attention. If you find any further proof, please bring it to us." A council member said.

"We will. Thank you for your time." Alura said as she and Kara left the room to return to their home where the transmat portal was.

"Ok Kara, I was wrong. I think it is time to get you friend here now before it is too late to stop Selina." Alura said.

"I am going to call as soon as we get home." Kara said.

They stepped through the portal and Kara went and got her phone and made a call. "Hey, can you be here in a few minutes with you suit and weapons." Kara asked.

"Yeah, what do you need." Her friend asked.

"I need you to take care of something permanently. That is not my way, but I don't see another way. How do you feel about going to a city in space?" Kara asked.

"I will be there in five minutes and I think the rest of the team will be jealous. I will see you in five minutes." Her friends said.

Five minutes later a breach opened, and Oliver stepped out and said "Ok let's get this over with. I have plans tonight."

"We shouldn't be there for to long. We have got them cornered. They are probably meeting now because they know we are on to them." Kara said.

"So that means that they will probably be all together. That would make them easy targets. Was this your plan all along?" Oliver asked.

"No, we tried to do it the peaceful way, but the council did not see it our way. There women are to dangerous to be left unchecked. They either need to be in jail or dead, and the jail part didn't work out, so you know what comes next then." Kara said.

"Yeah, let's go take care of this." Oliver said.

Kara opened the portal to Argo and she and Oliver stepped through and Kara turned to Oliver and asked, "You are fine with traveling at superspeed right?"

"Never had a problem with it when Barry was speeding me around." Oliver said.

Kara picked Oliver up and sped him to where Alura had taped Selina and her friends meeting before. When they entered the room, Kara put Oliver down and he fired an arrow at Selina first, hitting her in the heart, killing her on contact. He then turned to the rest of the women in the room and did the same thing. Once he was done, he asked Kara "Are we sure that these are the only people in this group?"

"No, but if we burn all of the information, they should not be able to recreate the world killer." Kara said.

"Ok, let's make this look like an accident. I am going to go around and get all of my arrows and then you are going to burn this place down. That way the information is gone, and no one will ever know how these women were killed." Oliver said and Kara nodded.

Oliver went and pulled all of his arrows from the women and when he was done Kara sat the place on fire. They stayed just long enough to make sure the fire didn't spread to any other structures and then they got back to the portal and headed to earth.

"Thank you for helping me with this. I just wasn't able to do what was necessary to take care of them." Kara said.

"Hey, I don't like killing either, but I am willing to do it for the greater good. I will always be there if you need me to do that kind of thing. You are the best of us. You and Barry. I can't let you two be corrupted. So, if the hard choice ever has to be made, you know you can come to me." Oliver said.

"Thanks. Now go home and get to your wife and make sure you tell her I said hi." Kara said and Oliver nodded as he walked through the breach back to Star City.

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