Chapter 43

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It had been a few weeks since Karen and Jonathan had shown up from the future. Today Kara was at work at the Newspaper, while Karen had decided to hang out at the Tower with her Aunt Alex. They were working on something that might could be used to help defeat Leviathan.

"Ok, so what is it that this is supposed to do?" Karen asked.

"Well, we finally got in touch with Brainy and he told us that we needed to make something equivalent to what some of his ancestors used to you when they would shrink worlds. From what he says it should shrink the members of Leviathan and then they won't be able to get out." Alex said.

"That sounds cool. You know I might learn more from you then I do at college." Karen said.

"I just think that it is funny that you would rather get into Bioengineering than working for your mom." Alex said.

"I am not really the type of person who likes to dig into other people's business just to get a story. I like the thought of making things, such as maybe a cure for cancer one day." Karen said.

"That would be great. I hope you are able to do that one day." Alex said.

"Me too. So, how do we know if the bottle works?" Karen asked.

"I don't think there is any testing it. We just have to hope I did everything right. From what Brainy said we need to get some sort of chips so that we can enter their hideout and when they are out attacking the city, we will need someone to go in and suck them into the bottle." Alex said.

"And how do we get a hold of one of these chips?" Karen asked.

"We have to steal one and I know just who to talk to about that." Alex said.

"Who would that be?" Karen asked.

"We will need to go see Lena for that." Alex said.

"Oh, so Aunt Lena knows someone connected to this?" Karen asked.

"Yeah she does, and she might even be able to get us and in when it comes to Leviathan." Alex said.

"Sounds good. Let's go see Aunt Lena." Karen said.

Just then Kara entered the Tower and saw that Karen was about to take off with Alex in her arms. "Hey guys, could you use some company?" Kara asked.

"Yeah we were just going to see if Lena could get us one of those chips so that we could get into Leviathan's hideout without all of the pain that Brainy was talking about." Alex said.

"That's a good idea. Let's go and see Lena and see what she has to say." Kara said.

They leave the Tower and fly over to Lena's office to see that she is working really hard on something. "Hey Lena, what are you working on?" Kara asked.

"Oh, just something that will keep people from getting trapped in that mindscape." Lena said.

"Hold off on that for a little while. We need them to think that you are working with them long enough to get one of those chips so that we can get into their lair and stop them." Kara said.

"Ok, I will hold off for a couple of days but no longer than that. I can't let someone get trapped in there because I waited to long." Lena said.

"We understand. Just bring us the chip when you have it so that we can put our plan into motion." Alex said.

"Will do. I see you have a new friend. I'm Lena Luthor and you are?" Lena asked.

"My name is Karen and I am the Supergirl from the future, and I am also Kara and Mon-El's daughter." Karen said.

"Ok, I can see the resemblance now. So, did anyone else come with you?" Lena asked.

Karen looked at Kara to make sure that it was ok to tell Lena and Kara nodded saying, "She knows about everyone."

"No, I didn't come alone. I came back with Mia, Conner, Olivia, Dawn, and Jonathan." Karen said.

"I don't think I know a Jonathan. I know the other four." Lena said.

"Jonathan is Uncle Clark's son." Karen said and Lena nodded.

"Well, we will let you get back to work. Let us know when you get a chip so we will be able to finish Leviathan off for good." Kara said and Lena nodded as Kara, Karen, and Alex all left her office through the window.

When they returned to the Tower Winn was waiting there for them. He looked like he had tested the bottle somehow.

"So, did it work when you tested it?" Kara asked.

"Yeah it worked. I opened the bottle and a lot of stuff was shrinking and getting sucked into the bottle." Winn said.

"Ok, that is great. Now all we have to do is to wait for Lena to get a chip so that we can get into their place an finish them off." Kara said.

"Thanks. So, what do we do now?" Winn asked.

"My thoughts are that everyone should come over tonight and we will have a nice dinner while everyone can get to know Karen better." Kara said and everyone nodded and left so that they would be ready for dinner.

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