Chapter 46

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As the team arrived in Moscow, they went to this bar that Oliver had told them about that a friend of his was in charge of. When Kara walked in there was a man standing behind the bar that looked like the man that Oliver had described to her.

"Are you Anatoly?" Kara asked.

"Yes, I am. I am wondering why a girl that looks like you is in my bar. You should be at one of the more upscale places in the city. Not that I am complaining, it's just that this place can be dangerous." Anatoly said.

"I can take care of myself. Anyways, a mutual friend sent me here." Kara said and she reached out to shake the man's hand while having the memory ring on.

Anatoly reached up and grabbed his head and asked, "What the hell was that and why do I remember two lives now?"

"The old earth was destroyed, and Oliver made this new one, but it is all happening again, and we could use your help finding what we are looking for." Kara said.

"Ah, yes. The plans that Oliver got the last time he was here. I remember that." Anatoly said.

"So, you will tell us where to look for it?" Kara asked.

"Yes, I will tell you, but that place is not a place for a woman like you. We will need someone stronger like that evil Laurel. Even though she proved me wrong and turned out to be good." Anatoly said.

"Don't worry about me. I have my team here with me. We will be fine." Kara said.

"Ok, come back after closing of this bar and I will give you all the information you need. That conversation needs to be done when not so many prying ears are around." Anatoly said and Kara nodded as she left the bar.

Later that night Kara, Alura, Astra, Karen, and Alex walk into the bar to find Anatoly waiting for them. "I am not feeling confident about this plan. Only one of you looks like they would be able to take care of themselves." Anatoly said.

"Are all of your cameras off? I believe that I can trust you because Oliver said I could. I have something to show you." Kara said.

"Just give me a second. Ok, cameras are off." Anatoly said.

Kara thought about her suit and it appeared on her body and the rest of the team did the same thing. "So, do you feel better about our chances now?" Karen asked.

"Yes, I do. You look like a twin to this one. Are you two sisters?" Anatoly asked.

"Actually, she is my mother. I am from the future." Karen said.

"Oh, so you took place of Oliver's children this time around?" Anatoly asked.

"No, they came too. They are just with Uncle Ollie." Karen said.

"I see. So, how is my favorite American? I have not seen him since before last Crisis." Anatoly said.

"He is doing good. He has three kids and a wonderful wife. He is actually still busy cleaning up his city. That is why we are here." Kara said.

"Three kids. That's one more then last time. I guess Ms. Smoak is doing well then." Anatoly said.

"What does Felicity have to do with Uncle Ollie?" Karen said.

"They were married on the old earth." Kara said.

"Oh ok. That would be weird now. I guess I know why Mia hates her so much then." Karen said.

"What do you mean what does Ms. Smoak have to do with Oliver? Are they not married on this earth?" Anatoly asked.

"No, they are not. He is married to the original love of his live." Kara said.

"Oh, so he was able to fix things on this earth with the original Laurel. I am happy for him. Just as long as she is not evil like the earth two Laurel." Anatoly said.

"No, she is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. They were actually on the Gambit together an they were picked up by the League of Assassins and trained for five years." Kara said.

"Interesting. Well let's get down to business. You need the same plans as Oliver needed last time. They will be with a General at an illegal fight ring. The bad part is that Bratva will be there. I can't help you out with that. Once you are inside, you are on your own." Anatoly said.

"Ok, where is this fight ring and how do we get there?" Kara said.

"Here are the directions. I wish you luck. Tell Oliver that I would like to catch up with him sometime. It has been to long." Anatoly said.

"I will be sure to tell him. Thank you for your help." Kara said as she and her team left the bar to go find the fight ring.

When they got to the location Kara made a plan for her and Karen to go in and scout the place out hoping to find the General. The rest of the team would wait outside as back up.

When Kara and Karen entered the building, they saw the cage where people were fighting and started to look around. They were now in dresses that were allowing them to blend in with the crowd. They looked up and saw a man on a balcony that overlooked the cage and assumed that he was the General that they were looking for.

Kara used her x-ray vision and saw that the General had a flash drive in his pants pocket. She sped up the stair and was back with the flash drive before anyone knew she was gone.

"Ok, I got what we need. Let's get out of here. I can't wait to be home. The last two things shouldn't be that hard to get being that we know that terrain better." Kara said.

As they two exiting the building they met up with the rest of the team and decided to fly home instead of waiting for a plane flight. When they touched down in the Tower back in National City, Kara looked at the rest of the team and said, "I love to travel, but boy am I glad to be home."

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