Chapter 41

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The next day Kara was waiting in the Tower to see if Winn had received a response from Brainy on how to stop Leviathan, when she was surprised to see a breach open up. She thought it was either going to be someone from Team Arrow or Team Flash, but it ended up being two people that she didn't know.

"Who are you and why have you opened a breach into my lair." Kara said dressed in her super suit.

"Oh, we are from the future and we know who you are. We just haven't been born at this point in time." The girl said.

"How do you know who I am? You look just like normal kids to me." Kara said looking at both of them.

They showed Kara their rings and then all of a sudden, their suits formed on them. "Why are you dressed in my suit? And that one looks like Kal's suit." Kara said.

"Well that one is easy to answer. I am wearing you suit because I am your daughter Karen, and this is Uncle Clark's son Jonathan." Kara said.

"So why are the two of you here? Kara asked.

"We were sent here by the Monitor to help you stop Leviathan and then to help with the Crisis. Uncle Ollie and Uncle Barry's kids were sent back as well." Jonathan said.

"The last time only Mia, William, and Connor were sent back. Why so many this time?" Kara asked.

"I think it has to do with getting as much help as you can get. I think last time people underestimated what could happen. This time everyone will be prepared." Karen said.

"Well I am not going to turn down the help, especially from someone who probably already knows what is going to happen so we can get a jump on things from the start." Kara said.

"I can agree with that Aunt Kara. Could you help me out with something though?" Jonathan asked.

"Sure, what do you need?" Kara asked.

"I was wondering if you could get dad and mom here so that it would be easier for introduction then me just showing up at their door like we did to you." Jonathan said.

"I could do that. It has been a while since I have seen you dad and mom anyways." Kara said as she picked up her phone and called Lois.

"Lois Lane, National Daily News." Lois said.

"I really wish you would stop doing that when you know it is me who is calling." Kara said.

"That's what makes it fun. I know that you don't like me doing that to you. Anyways, what can I do for you?" Lois asked.

"Well I was wondering if you and Kal could come out for a few days. It has been a while since we have hung out." Kara said.

"I think we can swing it. Is there something going on that we should know about?" Lois asked.

"You will find out when you get here. I will see you both tonight. Bye Lois." Kara said and she hung up.

"Ok, let's go to my apartment. We can introduce you to your dad and uncle." Kara said to the two kids.

"Sounds like fun. Let's go." Karen said.

They flew towards Kara's apartment and when they got there they land on the balcony and went inside to see Mon-El watching television. Mon-El looked up and was surprised to see that they had guest.

"Who are these two and why do they have super suits?" Mon-El asked.

"Well this is Kara and Jonathan and they are from the future." Kara said.

"Still doesn't explain why they are wearing super suits." Mon-El said.

"Well Karen is wearing my suit because she is our daughter and Jonathan is Kal and Lois's son." Kara said.

"It's nice to meet you both. Can I ask why you are here though?" Mon-El asked.

"We are here to help with Leviathan and the Crisis. The Monitor is the one who sent us back." Karen said.

"Oh, so this is like how Mia was sent back in the last Crisis?" Mon-El asked.

"Yep that is what happened. Mia, Conner, Olivia, and Dawn have been sent back as well." Jonathan said.

"Well it looks like we will have plenty of help with Crisis whenever that does come." Mon-El said.

"Anyways, Kal and Lois are coming for the weekend, so I came home to clean up before they got here." Kara said and he then helped Kara and the kids clean up.

A few hours later Lois and Clark showed up at Kara's apartment. They were still wondering why Kara had invited them out on such short notice. When they walked into the apartment, they realized that there were to twenty-year-old's in the apartment that they didn't know.

"So, who are these two kids?" Lois asked.

"Well the girl is Karen and she is my daughter from the future, and the boy is Jonathan and he is your son from the future. I thought you would like to meet him." Kara said.

"Oh, this is so cool. To bad I can't write about it." Lois said as she went to hug her son.

"What are you doing here though?" Clark asked.

"We were sent here to help Aunt Kara with Leviathan and then with Crisis." Jonathan said.

"So, you took Mia's place on this earth?" Clark asked.

"No, Mia, Conner, Olivia, and Dawn are here as well, helping their parents with their own big bads." Kara said.

"Well that's good. So, I guess this is why you asked us up for the weekend." Lois said.

"Yeah, I thought you would want to spend time with your future son." Kara said.

"Thanks, I could really use the break anyways." Clark said.

"I thought you might be able to. Go unpack and then we will go and get something to eat. What are you in the mood for?" Kara asked.

"Let's get some Italian. I haven't had that in a while." Lois said as she and Clark went to unpack and then they all left to go eat.

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