Chapter 30

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Today Kara was going to get to meet the President again. She was excited about that and she talked it over with the rest of the team and they decided that it might be best to restore the President's memories. It would help out so that she could keep herself hidden from the cameras so that she would not get exposed again.

Kara was flying tower the cabin that the President was having her conference at, and when she got there, she saw that the DEO already had a bunch of guards there. It would be harder to protect the President this time because now Kara had no pull, because all of the team now worked at the tower and not with the DEO anymore.

"So, how is everything going here?" Supergirl asked.

"What are you doing here Supergirl? You no longer work at the DEO." An agent said.

"I just need a moment with the President." Supergirl said.

"What makes you think that we will let you in there? Like I said before, you no longer work for the DEO so we will not let you in." The agent said.

"It's funny that you think you have a choice. I can get in whether you want me to or not." Supergirl said and with that she started to walk past the agent.

"Hey, where the hell do you think you are going?" the agent asked.

"I am going to talk to the President like I said." Supergirl said.

The agent tries to stop her but when they get in her way, all Kara does use her super speed to get inside before anyone can stop her. Once she is inside, she sees the President sitting at her desk and Kara walks up to her and said "Madam President, you are in danger and I need to get you out of here right now. You will understand what I mean soon."

Kara walked up to the President and touches her arm with the memory ring and all of the President's memories come back.

"Not that it is not good to see you again Supergirl but was that necessary?" The President asked.

"Sorry about that. I just thought that it would be better if you knew what was going on. Now I need to take you to a secure place. We need to stop what happened last time." Supergirl said.

"I agree. Just give me a few minutes to get my things." The President said.

A few minutes later she walked out with her bag packed and Kara flew the President back to the tower. Once they got there the President was greeted by all of the team members that she already knew, and she was introduced to Kara's mom and aunt.

"It is good to see you all again. I hope that this time I will be about to stay President." The President said.

"That is our hope as well. Oh, by the way, I think you should get a new Vice President. He is really not on board with any of your views." Supergirl said.

"Well you did well at exposing him last time. Maybe you could write another article about him this time." The President said.

"What article are you talking about? I didn't write any articles." Supergirl said.

"Supergirl, I am a person living in disguise. Do you really think that I would not notice someone who is doing the same thing I am. It is pretty obvious when you do the same yourself. Don't worry your secret is safe with me." The President said.

"Well that was not what I was expecting, but anyways, I will see what I can do." Kara said.

"Thank you, Ms. Danvers. Now, what are we going to do about these people who are trying to expose me?" The president asked.

"I know who they are. We just need to keep you inside and out of view until we find them." Kara said.

"I can do that. So, how are you going to find these people?" The President asked.

"Winn is already looking into it. Do you have anything yet Winn?" Kara asked.

"I just found Otis and Mercy Graves outside of the cabin that you were staying at. They obviously don't know that you are not there." Winn said to the President.

"Ok, J'onn and I will go and take care of them. It might help slow down what Lex has planned this time around." Kara said as she and J'onn left to go and take care of the Graves's.

When Kara and J'onn got to the cabin they see Otis and Mercy sneaking around the cabin trying to find the President inside. They watched the siblings to see what they would do. Once Kara saw that Otis and Mercy were confused because they could not find the President, she flew down to them and said "Sorry, but I got the President out of her 30 minutes ago. Whatever you were planning is not going to work." Supergirl said.

"How did you know to get the President out? We thought this out so well. How were you able to stop us?" Mercy asked.

"Just a hunch. Ok, so now we are going to turn you over to those DEO agents over there and then we will get back to National City.

Kara and J'onn walked Otis and Mercy over to the agents and said "These two were sneaking around the cabin trying to stalk the President. They had these guns. They were probably trying to kill her." Supergirl said and the agents took Otis and Mercy into custody.

J'onn and Kara then flew back to the tower to tell the team that everything was safe. Once they had made sure that everything was clear, Kara flew the President back to the cabin. Once they were there the President looked at Kara and said "Thank you Ms. Danvers. I am glad that I get to continue to be President this time around."

"I was just doing my job Madam President. If you ever need me just give me a call." Kara said as she flew back to the tower.

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