Chapter 7

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Kara was flying around patrolling the city. She is listening for any sign of trouble, when she hears something about a police chase. Since she didn't have anything else to do, she decided to help out. She got to the car broke the window and yanked the person out and then was able to stop the car before it was able to her any pedestrians.

She then decided that she was going to go to the DEO and see if they had anything for her to do. Around the time that she got there, there seemed to be someone who was hacking into computers all around the city.

"What's going on?" Kara said to Winn.

"This person is hacking the whole city. She is the best I have ever seen." Winn said.

Ok, so are you able to find out where she is so that we can stop this from happening?" Kara asked.

"No, they are bouncing their signal off of servers all over the world. I don't know how to stop this." Winn said.

"Could it be Indigo. If so, we can ask my aunt and mom if they have a quicker way to stop her then the last time we fought her. Maybe we can even destroy her before she can start working with Non like she did last time." Kara said.

"I will go check with them and see what they might have that can work against her. Kryptonians have stopped her once before so why couldn't they do it again?" Winn asked.

While Winn went to talk to Alura and Astra, Kara went to talk to J'onn and Alex.

They had no way of finding out where Indigo was for the time being, so they just had to wait for her to confront Winn like she did last time.

Alura and Astra were helping Winn make a computer virus that could be spread through the are like the flu or a cold could. The only problem was that they had to be within a three block radius for it to works.

"Kara, we have a way to stop Indigo. The only problem is you have to be within a three block radius for it to work on her. It is harmless to any other type of aliens or humans." Said Alura.

"That's good mom. Now all we have to do is find a way to track her so that we can use the virus. Will it get rid of her permanently, or is it going to just take her out for a little while?" Kara asked.

"It is permanent. She is too dangerous to let survive. She is also able to corrupt Non easily when I am not with him. So, it is best just to take her off the board permanently." Astra said.

"Ok, So I need to get to work and see if I have any articles to work on today. Call me when you are able to track Indigo down." Kara said.

"Will do." Winn said.

When Kara got to Catco, Cat was calling her into her office. She had just finished reading Kara's story on how General Lane had a robot made that could kill aliens and how Supergirl had defeated it.

"Kara if you don't slow down on writing good stories you might have your office full of Pulitzers by the end of the year. This is the second story worth a Pulitzer you have written in the past month. Looks like I chose well when I picked you to take over for me if I ever decide to leave the company." Cat said.

"Thanks Mrs. Grant. I will try to keep it up. Are there any articles you have for me today? I would ask Snapper, but he doesn't normally give me any good articles." Kara said.

"I would like you to write a story about this hacker that is hacking every computer in the city. Is that one good enough for you?" Cat asked with a smile.

"Of course, that is good with me Mrs. Grant. Might take a while because I don't know much yet." Kara said.

"You have two days." Cat said.

Kara nodded and then walked out to her desk so that she could get to work on what she already knows about Indigo. When she was finished with that, she decided to go and talk to James and see if he had had a chance to talk to Lucy since she had been in town.

"Hey James. Have you had a chance to talk to Lucy since she has been in town?" Kara asked.

"Yeah. I talked to her last night and we have decided to give a chance to us dating again. She knows that this time she won't have to fight for my attention like she did last time." James said.

"I am sorry that I got in the way of your relationship with Lucy last time. It was not what I meant to happen." Kara said.

James nodded and then they got to talking about the next time that they could work together for an article. After they finished talking, Kara decided that it was time to go to the DEO and wait for Indigo to attack again.

When she got there Indigo had already started another cyber attack on the city. Kara walked up behind Winn and asked, "Is there any way you can get her to show up here in person like you did in my apartment last time?"

"Yeah. I will try to hack her. That is what I did last time." Winn said.

"Do it" J'onn said.

Kara went upstairs to get the virus that was for destroying Indigo. When she got back to the command center of the DEO, Winn and Indigo were taunting each other and the next thing she knew there was a surge in some of the computer and then Indigo was standing there looking at Kara like she wanted to kill her.

"I will just have to live with killing you being that your mother is already dead." Indigo said.

"Sorry to disappoint but my mother is standing right behind you." Kara said.

Indigo turned around and had a look of surprise on her face then she saw Alura standing there with Astra. Indigo looked at Astra and said "Your husband is going to be so upset when he finds out that you are working with the enemy. That doesn't matter though. Because when he finds out you will already be dead."

When Indigo turned around to look at Alura and Astra, it gave Kara enough time to turn on the device and role it on the ground at Indigo's feet. By the time Indigo realized what was going on, it was to late. The gas had made its way up to her nose and she was having a hard time breathing and she was starting to shake. The next thing they knew, she started to disappear. Finally, after about thirty second Indigo was gone, and they would not have to worry about her again.

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