Chapter 48

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Kara and Karen woke up in Team Arrow's bunker the next morning to see Oliver there waiting for them to wake up. When they finally woke up and came out to the main area of the bunker Oliver asked, "Do you need any help getting what you are going after today?"

"No, I think we should be able to take care of everything. If something comes up, I will give you a call." Kara said.

"Ok. I am always here if you need anything. You know, that right?" Oliver asked.

"Of course, I do. So, I heard you are having a meeting with the paragons this morning. What's that about?" Kara asked.

"I bet I know what it is about. There is one thing that you have in the future that you don't have now, and it is really cool." Kara said.

"Don't spoil the surprise mini-Kara." Oliver said and he laughed.

"Ok, so what's going on here?" Kara asked.

Oliver reached out and touched her forehead and Kara was wondering why he had done that. He didn't even like hugs so why would he even want to touch her?

"Ok, so what did you just do to me? Not that I can really tell a difference, but I know you wouldn't touch me for no reason." Kara said.

"I just gave you the powers of a specter. I am going to give it to all the other paragons as well. That way none of us will die if it comes down to creating a new multiverse again." Oliver said.

"This is so cool. What can I do with these powers?" Kara asked.

"I was able to create a whole new multiverse and give Barry the power to enter the speed force. I don't think there is much we can't do." Oliver said.

"Ok, I am going to try this out now." Kara said.

"What are you going to do mom?" Karen asked.

"You will see in a second. I know you are going to like what I am going to do though." Kara said.

She concentrated and her eyes turned a bright red and the next thing she knew she was holding a plate full of pot stickers. Karen had to laugh at that, but Kara was right, it was something that Karen would like.

"Oh, pot stickers. Give me, Give me." Karen said and Kara just laughed at her daughter.

"So, all you have left to gather up is the uranium?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, it looks like the shipment will be in later this afternoon." Kara said.

"You shouldn't have any problem with your speed though. It will probably be easier for you then it was for Diggle and Roy." Oliver said.

"I am just disappointed that once I get the uranium that means that Crisis is right around the corner. I hope that we are ready this time." Kara said.

"We will be. I have already made a call to the League and they will be here tomorrow to help out with everything. Having them here will free some of us up more than we were last time around." Oliver said.

"Maybe we can get more help from other earths as well. The more help we have the better chance we have at winning this war." Kara said.

"You are right about that. Anyways, maybe you should go and scope out the shipment center so you know what needs to be done to get the uranium." Oliver said.

"Yeah, I think I should go and do that. I will see you soon Oliver." Kara said.

Kara and Karen left the bunker to go to the warehouse where the uranium was going to be delivered. Once they got there, they scoped the place out and came up with a plan to get the uranium.

"I hear a truck coming. Get down and don't attack unless you have to." Kara said.

They wait for the truck to park and the driver unloaded all of the material. Once Kara saw what she needed she sped over and stole the case. When she got back to Karen, they opened up the case to make sure that they had the right thing.

"Looks like we have what we need now. Let's get back to National City and start preparing for Crisis. It will be helpful if we can find a way to stop the anti-monitor." Kara said.

When they flew into the Tower when they got back to National City, everyone was waiting for them. They wanted to know how the trip was.

"So how was your trip? Did you get everything that you need?" Mon-El asked.

"Yes, we have everything that we need. Now all we have to do is get this to Dr. Wong and then we will just have to wait for everything to unfold with Crisis." Kara said.

"So, there is not much for us to do right now other than wait for Crisis to get here?" Alura asked.

"That's right. We just need to go and hang out with our families, because we don't know how much longer some of us are going to have." Kara said.

Everyone nodded and left the Tower to go home and see their families. Most everyone ended up at Kara's apartment because they were all each other's families anyways. So, it was the best place for all of them to be. They decided to have a game night to pass the time. They didn't know whether the monitor was going to come in 15 minutes or in a couple of days. The only thing that they knew was that Crisis was looming and no one could stop it from happening.

A/N: This is the last Chapter before Crisis starts. I am making a new book about Crisis. The title will be "Crisis in the new multiverse." Let me know if you have any ideas that you would like to see in Crisis. I will do my best to put your ideas in, just let me know what you think in the reviews. Thank you all for reading.

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