Chapter 12

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As Kara and Mon-El were entering her apartment after getting back from the double wedding, they see Alura and Astra sitting on the couch watching the new. There was a story on about a dead alien who looked like he had been beaten pretty badly. Kara and Mon-El had worried looks on their faces because that meant that Roulette was probably back on business. They knew that they would have to go and check it out whenever the DEO called.

Alura finally noticed that her daughter was home and said "How was the wedding? You look like you had a good time."

"It was great. It ended up being a double wedding with another two friends getting married as well. I was just looking at the television. Is that the first dead alien that has shown up looking all beat up like that?' Kara asked.

"Yes, that is the first one that I know of. What do you think is going on?" Astra asked.

"If it is like last time, it is an alien fight club that fights to the death. We caught the woman in charge of it, but we let the police take charge and she was let out later that day. Then she started to traffic humans as slave labor to aliens on another world." Kara said.

"So, in other words, we need to make sure that the police do not get involved this time by taking her to the DEO." Alura said.

"Yeah that is what I am thinking." Kara said.

"So, when do you want to do this?" Mon-El asked.

"I think it can wait until tomorrow. We need to wait for a fight and there won't be another one until tomorrow night." Kara said and everyone nodded in agreement.

They all sat down and talked about the wedding some more and they decided that they were going to watch a movie. They all decided that they wanted to see a comedy, so they decided to watch The Hangover. After the movie was done, they all said their good nights and went to bed because they all had to go to work in the morning.

When Kara got to work the next morning, the first thing she heard when she walked in was "Kiera" being yelled from Mrs. Grant's office. Kara hurried in and asked "Yes Mrs. Grant. What can I do for you?"

"First of all. How was the Flash's wedding? Second, I want you to write the story on the dead alien that looked like he got his brains beat in." Cat said.

"The wedding was great. It ended up being a double wedding and I will get started on the story as soon as possible." Kara said.

"This story looks like something Supergirl will have to handle anyways so I will be expecting some quotes from her." Said Cat.

Kara nodded and left to go get started on the story. On the way back to her desk she passed James' office, so she stopped off to talk to him for a few minutes.

"So, how was Barry's wedding?" James asked.

"It was great. It ended up being a double wedding and Oliver and Laurel got married too." Kara said.

"Well I guess that must have been kept on the down low because I am sure that would have been all over the news if to many people knew about it." James said.

"Yeah. Most likely. Anyways how is everything going with you and Lucy this time around?" Kara asked.

"It's going great. She knows that I am not into you this time around, so she knows that she has nothing to worry about. What about you and Mon-El?" James asked.

"Everything with us is great. I am glad that he is the mature Mon-El and not the Mon-El from when he first got to the old earth though." Kara said.

"Yeah. I can understand that." James said and then Kara nodded and left to go work on her story.

About nine that night Kara, Mon-El, Alura, and Astra all suited up and went to where Kara remembered the fight club being last time and it was still at the same place. They stayed hidden until they saw a Green Martian fighting this really big alien. The same one that gave Kara a hard time last time until she was told that it looked like it had an injured leg and she used that to her advantage to win.

"Is that M'gann?" Mon-El asked.

"Yeah. I think so. I am going to help her being that I already know how to beat this alien." Kara said and Mon-El nodded as he watched Kara get into the ring and hit the big alien in the knee and when he fell to his knees, she let M'gann hit him in the head and knock him out.

"I didn't really need your help Supergirl. I knew how to beat him." M'gann said.

"I knew you could handle it but there was something that I needed to do because we could really use your help. Kara said as she placed the memory ring on her finger and touch M'gann's arm and then she remembered everything from the old earth.

"That was a rush. Thank you, Kara. Now let's finish this so I can get back to Mars and help with the war." M'gann said and Kara nodded.

"Well if we don't have a surprise fighter tonight. Looks like we have Supergirl here tonight. Maybe she would like to fight our champion." Roulette said.

"I thought that was the champion." Kara said to M'gann.

"Unfortunately, not. The champion this time is a White Martian." M'gann said right as the new White Martian walked out and charged at Kara.

"You and I will handle him while my team goes and stops Roulette." Kara said and M'gann nodded. The team had heard her through the comms, so they started to surround Roulette. Mon-El coming from the left, Alura coming from the right, Astra coming from behind. There was nowhere for her to go. So, when they got close to her, she tried to run but Mon-El just caught her by the arm and hand cuffed her while Astra and Alura took care of the bodyguards.

Kara and M'gann seemed to be getting the better of the White Martian by using their speed and coming at him while he was focusing on the other fighter. Soon he was having trouble staying up, so Kara gave him a really hard hit to the head, and he was down for the count. Kara put some power dampening cuffs on the White Martian and took him to the DEO. The rest of the team made sure that Roulette got to the DEO as well because they knew if she went to the jail with the police she would be out within an couple of hours.

M'gann decided that she would come as well so she could tell J'onn that she was going back to Mars and help with the war. J'onn said "If you happen to find my father send me a message and I will come and get him." M'gann nodded and she left to go to Mars.

Once they had the White Martian and Roulette locked up in the DEO Kara went back to Catco so that she could put the finishing touches on her article. Once she was done, she sent it to Mrs. Grant and decided it was time to go home for the day. When she got there, she didn't feel like making dinner, so she called and got pizza delivered and it was there by the time her mom, aunt, and Mon-El arrived. They all ate and sat around and talked for a while and then they decided that they were going to go to bed and said their good nights.

A/N: Please leave some reviews and let me know how I am doing so far. Also, if you have any suggestions let me know and I might use them. Thanks.

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