Chapter 11

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Kara and Mon-El were out on a date at the alien bar and discussing what they should do when his parents showed up. They knew that they would show up at some point and they had to be ready. The only thing that Kara could come up with was using the lead dispersal device like last time, but she was worried that that would cause her to lose Mon-El again. Then Mon-El told Kara something that she never thought about before.

"You know that the ring will protect me from the lead like it protects you from kryptonite." Mon-El said.

"I never thought about that. I guess I have been worrying about nothing then." Kara said.

"I will talk to Lena later on to see if she can get to work on making it. I am hoping that we can get through to your parents so that that is not an option this time though." Kara said.

"That would be nice. I work like to be able to live in peace with my parents here on earth, but if they become hostile then we will you the lead device." Mon-El said.

Kara nodded and then they decided that they would go to Kara's place to watch a movie before calling it a night. When they got to her apartment, they looked at her Netflix queue to see what was interesting that neither of them had seen yet and they decided on Avenger's Infinity War. About halfway through the movie Mon-El looked over at Kara and saw that she was asleep with her head on his shoulder. He just let her sleep until he got tired. So, he turned the movie off and picked her up and took her to her bed before turning out the lights and going to bed himself.

Kara woke up the next morning to a text coming in on her phone. She looked at it and saw that it was from Barry. It said "Hey. Caitlin and I decided that we are going to get married next weekend. We were going to go to Vegas, but we decided against that and we are just going to have a small group of friends and family in Central City. Hope you and Mon-El can make it."

"We will be there. Isn't this a little quick though?" Kara asked.

"Maybe, but we decided that we have known each other long enough that it really didn't matter when we got married. So, we decided the sooner the better." Barry said.

"Well congratulations and we will be there." Kara said.

"See you then." Barry said.

She looked over to see Mon-El had woke up and was looking at her. He asked her "Who was that you were just texting with?"

"That was Barry. So, we have plans for next weekend. He and Caitlin are getting married." Kara said.

"That's great. So, when do we have to be there?" Mon-El asked.

"I will call and get more details about mid-week, so we know when we need to arrive." Kara said.

Mon-El nodded and went to get ready for the day while Kara went out to see what her mom and aunt were doing in the living room. She told them about the wedding this weekend and made sure that they would be able to take care of any problem that arises while they were gone.

"We will be fine Kara. We can also call on J'onn if we are having any problems." Astra said.

"How is the transmat portal coming mom?" Kara asked.

"I think I am about done with it. We just have to do a few tests first to make sure everything is working right." Alura said.

"That's great. I am looking forward to seeing some of the people that I haven't seen since I left. But remember you are needed hear, so you can't leave for long or everything will go wrong." Kara said.

"I have already made my choice to stay here with you on this new earth. I am has always bothered me that I left you on the old earth. I am truly sorry about that." Alura said.

Kara nodded and she went to get ready to go to work. When she was done, she came out of her room and ate breakfast with everyone. She went to work at Catco while the other three went to the DEO. Alura did some tests on the transmat portal. She was in contact with someone on Argo through the crystals like Kara did to talk to Winn and Alex last time. She turned on the portal and threw a ball through it and her contact let her know that it had worked. She went to get Astra and told her what to do to make sure that the portal was working, and she decided that she was going to walk through the portal. When she got to the other side, she knew that it was working now so she went back through and was in the DEO. She called to tell Kara the news. They were both happy that they would be able to go to visit Argo whenever they could.

When Wednesday came along Kara called Barry to see when she needed to show up for the wedding. "When is the wedding and when do we need to be there?" Kara asked.

"It's going to be Saturday at five. But you are invited to the rehearsal dinner the night before. So, I would say that you should be here Friday around 5:30 if you can." Barry said.

"That will not be a problem. My mom and aunt are on call for the weekend and if they need help, they can call J'onn and Alex. So, there should not be a problem." Kara said.

"I just hope it turns out better than last time I got married." Barry said.

"Come on Barry. You are going to jinx yourself. You can't think like that. Anyways, I will see you on Friday at 5:30." Kara said.

"Alright, I will see you then." Barry said while hanging up the phone.

Author's Note: Please review and let me know what you think of the story so far. Also let me know of anything that you would like to see in the story and I might use it. Thanks.

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