Chapter 13

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Kara was on her way to Catco to work. As far as she knew she did not have any big stories for today. She had a few fluff pieces that she would have done by the end of the day. When she got to the office, she saw Nia working on an article, so Kara went up to ask her "Hey, what are you working on today?"

"Oh, I am working on a story that has to do with the way that transgender and homosexuals are treated. It is kind of like the one that I wrote last time when my friend was beat up." Nia said.

"I remember that. I am proud of you for doing this but remember you might be putting a target on you back." Kara said.

"Thanks, but you know that I can take care of myself." Nia said.

"I do. Just be careful." Kara said.

"Kiera!" Mrs. Grant yelled from her office.

Kara walks into the office and says, "You needed something Mrs. Grant.?"

"Yes, the President is coming into town today to sign the alien amnesty act. I want you to go and interview her." Cat said.

"On my way, Mrs. Grant." Kara said.

On her way to the interview she remembered that last time someone was trying to kill the President, so she would need to keep an eye on everything that was happening around the event. Before she left the office, she had called James to come with her to the signing so that he could get pictures for her article.

When they got there, they went to get seats so that they could be near the front. The President came onto the stage and gave a speech before she was going to sign the act into order when someone threw a fire ball at her. Kara left really quick so she could change without anyone seeing her. When she got there, she saw a woman throwing fire balls at the President, so she went up and acted as a wall while the secret service got the President out of there. Once she saw that the President was safe, she turned around to see that the woman had escaped, so she flew to the DEO to see that the President was already there.

"Madam President, it is so nice to meet you." Kara said fangirling the President while all of her friends were laughing at her for the way that she was acting in front of the President.

"It is nice to meet you too, Supergirl. Thank you for the save today." The President said.

"Oh, I only did what anybody would have done." Kara said.

"So, does anyone know why someone tried to kill me at the signing?" The President asked.

"Not sure yet, but we have to assume that it has something to do with someone who is not a fan of the Alien Amnesty Act." J'onn said.

The President nodded and went to find somewhere for her to have some privacy. When she was gone J'onn turned to Kara and said, "So I am going to put you on call to protect the President until she leaves."

"Not a problem." Kara said.

A little while later the President was on her way to another event to hopefully finish signing the act into order. Kara was flying above the convoy the President was in so that she could see everything that was going on in the surrounding area. When the President arrived, she was escorted to the stage and she gave a short speech again and she signed the bill. When she was done, Kara saw a fireball coming from the back of the crowd, so she flew down and blocked it. This time she kept an eye on the person who threw the fireball so that when she was sure that the President was safe, she went and found the woman known as Scorcher and knocked her out after taking hits from about five fireballs. She put power dampening cuff on her and took her to a cell in the DEO. Once, she was done locking Scorcher up Kara came back out to the main area and asked the President "Do you mind if I get an interview for Catco? I am a reporter there."

"Sure. I was expecting Cat to send someone. I just didn't expect it to be Supergirl." The President said.

They both went to the conference room and took care of the interview. When they were done it was time for the President to get back to DC, so Kara followed the convoy to the airport and made sure that the President was in the air before she left.

She went back to Catco to work on her article and then when she was done, she sent it to Mrs. Grant so that she could sent it to print. When she was on her way out for the night the televisions started to flicker and then it was all static except for the message saying, "Return Mon-El, Prince of Daxum to us or there will be war."

Kara then went and looked up at the sky and saw a spaceship floating over the city. She went to the alien bar and found Mon-El so that they could both go and talk to Mon-El's parents. Kara and Mon-El flew up in front of the ship so that his parents could see them and to let them know that they wanted to enter the ship. Once they got inside, Mon-El went to hug both of his parents and said "It is good to see that both of you survived the destruction of Daxum. This is my girlfriend Kara Zor-El."

"It is good to see you to son. I am disappointed that you are dating a Kryptonian though." Lar Gand said.

"It will not matter for long though, because now we are here Mon-El will be leaving with us." Rhea said.

"I am not leaving mother. I am staying here. I have made a life for myself here. You are welcome to stay if you want to, but you can't force me to leave." Mon-El said.

"He is right Rhea. We can't force him to leave and I am willing to see if this planet is worth living on." Lar Gand said.

Everyone could tell that Raya was not happy but if it meant having her soon back see would see if this planet was good enough for her. They were all beamed down to earth and Kara left them so that they could have some family time. Kara had given Mon-El the memory ring so that he could use it on his father. They thought that if he saw what his wife had done to him before that he might be able to stop what Raya was planning. So, Mon-El touch the ring to his arm and he was able to remember everything and Mon-El could see that his father was willing to let him stay on earth and would make sure his mother would go along with it as well. Mon-El would make sure to have a private conversation with his father to tell him everything that happened after he died.

Mon-El took them to the bar that he worked at and they all had a drink and when they were done his parents went back to their ship and he went to Kara's apartment after promising that they would meet up the next day. Mon-El knew that his mother was not going to change but he hoped that his father would so he was going to make him a ring so that he would be able to stay on earth if he decided to. Once he was done working on the ring, he and Kara were very tired, so they went to bed for the night.

A/N: Please leave reviews to let me know how I am doing and let me know if there is something I could do better. Also, if you have any ideas for future chapters let me know and I might use them. Thanks for reading.

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