Chapter 32

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Everything had been quiet while Kara and Mon-El were on their honeymoon. They knew that once they got back home that they would have to keep an eye on Lex because they knew that he was more than likely sneaking out of prison just like he did on the old earth. They knew that some of his plan had been messed up though. Lex no longer had a double of Kara that he could corrupt, because she had never touched the black kryptonite. Kara had also stopped the Graves siblings from outing the President as an alien, which kept her in office and didn't not let the corrupt Vice President take over. The only play that Lex had left were the Agents of Liberty.

There was no way for Kara to be able to stop the group from being formed because not matter what, there were always going to be people out there who didn't like aliens.

"I wish we could have stayed on our honeymoon for another week. I am not looking forward to getting back to both of my jobs." Kara said.

"I know what you mean, but the sooner we figure out what Lex is going to do the better." Mon-El said.

"That's true. I mean, we know that he is going to find a way to start the Agents of Liberty just like he did last time. We just need to be ready." Kara said.

"I also need to plant a device in Lex's cell so that I know when he is gone, and I can sneak in and get all of the information that I need to expose him and anyone that he works with." Kara said.

"That sounds like a good idea. You sure did blow up all of his plans last time when you wrote your article about him." Mon-El said.

"Yeah, I just hate the fact that I have to do it all over again. This crisis thing sure did throw a wrench in things. He was dead before Novu decided to bring him back to life." Kara said.

"Everything is going to be alright, and hopefully the crisis will not happen again. That way you won't have to worry about Lex for a third time." Mon-El said.

"Yeah, I hope that things work out that way. Lex is so hard to beat because of how smart he is. I hate to admit that, but it is true." Kara said and Mon-El nodded.

The two newlyweds had bought their own apartment before they left for their honeymoon so that they would not be living with Alura and Astra anymore. They needed their privacy and her mother and aunt understood that.

When they walked into the door they were surprised when all of their friends and family jumped out to surprise them. The people that were there to welcome them home were Alura, Astra, J'onn, Nia, Alex, Lena, James, Winn, Clark, Lois, Sam, Ruby, Eliza, Brainy, and Imra.

"Oh my God, I was not expecting to see all of you here today. I have missed you all so much." Kara said.

"We have missed you too honey. So how was your honeymoon?" Alura asked.

"It was fun. We did a lot of sight-seeing." Kara said.

"And I am sure you did a lot of something else as well." Winn said and that made Kara blush.

"Winn! Come on, my mom and aunt are here." Kara said.

"Honey, you know it is only natural to do that with your husband. I don't want to know details though. That would be weird." Alura said.

"Yes, it would. So, did anything note worthy happen while we were gone?" Kara asked.

"Nope. Everything was quiet. I am glad you left me in charge at the paper though, because Snapper thought that he was going to be running things and I put him in his place." James said.

"Yeah, he still thinks that he should be in charge instead of me. He doesn't understand that Cat has been grooming me for years to run a business and now she is helping me get this newspaper off the ground." Kara said.

"Well, you have only been running the paper for about a month and you are already rivaling the Daily Planet." Clark said.

"Oh, don't give me a big head Kal. We are nowhere near the Planet yet." Kara said.

"Speaking of that Kara. I was wondering if you would be interested in opening up a branch of the newspaper in Metropolis. I could run it for you." Lois said.

"I thought you would want to keep working under Perry White. I know how much you love working for him." Kara said.

"I do love working for him. But this is an opportunity to spread my wings and show that I can be more than just a journalist. I can become one of the best editors in the world as well as one of the best journalists." Lois said.

"Or either you can move here, and you can be co-owner with me." Kara said.

"I would love that, but you know that Metropolis needs Clark there, and because of that, I can't leave." Lois said.

"I understand. Give me a few months to see what is going on here and then I will check the budget to see if I can swing a new branch in Metropolis." Kara said.

"I look forward to working with you Kara and I will try not to disappoint you." Lois said and Kara nodded.

"So, I guess I might have a new job in a couple of months?" Clark said.

"If you want to stick with your wife, I guess you will. Haha and I will be your boss." Kara said.

"Oh, I didn't even think of that. I guess you finally get to take care of me and boss me around like you were sent here to do." Clark said.

"Don't bring that up. I know I didn't have a choice in the matter, but I still feel bad for not being here for you like I was supposed to be." Kara said.

"It was not your fault. Everything turned out of. And plus, now I am older than you, so that is a plus for you." Clark said.

"Haha, you make a good point. Well let's go back and join the party and see what is going on." Kara said and they joined the party and had a good time for the rest of the night.

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