Chapter 23

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It had been about a month since Sam had been separated from Reign and she had not been given the chance to go out as her superhero persona yet. Kara thought it would be good for her to get used to her life as a nerdier version of herself before going out as a hero.

That afternoon Sam walked into the DEO and saw Kara, Alura, Astra, and Mon-El talking. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Sam asked.

"We found the second world killer and we are about to go and get her and bring her back here before we separate her, so that we have Brainy ready to send some of us into the Valley of Juru to kill the world killer part of her." Kara said.

"Which one is it?" Same asked.

"It's Julia. You think you are ready to go out in the field or would you rather just help here for today?" Kara asked.

"I think I am ready, but if you think I should stay behind I will." Sam said.

"You are ready. I have been training you for a while now." Astra said.

"Ok. I guess I will go with y'all to help bring this world killer in." Sam said.

About 20 minutes later the team landed in from of Julia's house and went to knock on the door. A minute later the door opened, and Julia was standing there with a shocked look on her face. She never thought that she would get to meet Supergirl.

"What are you doing here Supergirl?" Julia asked.

Kara reached out and touched her arm with the memory ring and after getting flashes of memories from the old earth, Julia looked at Kara and said, "I guess you are here to help me before I become evil again."

"Yes, that is why we are here. We already have a way. We just need you to come with us to a secure location." Alura said.

"Julia looked over the groups should and saw Sam that and asked, "What is Reign doing here?"

"We already separated her from Reign so that's how we know that it will work on you too." Kara said.

"Ok, lets go then. The sooner we get this over with the sooner I can get back to my normal life. No offense, but I just want to be normal." Julia said.

"I can understand that. Ok let's go." Kara said.

The group went to Lena's lab so that they would have the privacy that they would need to get rid of this world killer. When they arrived, they saw that Brainy and Imra were already there with Lena. Now it was time to explain to Julia what was going to happen.

"So, first of all we are going to give you this rock. It will separate you from Purity. Once that is done three of us along with the world killer will go to this area called the Valley of Juru where we will make her drink this water that will take her powers away." Kara said.

"Ok, that sound interesting, but I do not want to go into that Valley again. I remember that place and it freaks me out." Julia said.

"You won't have to go. We already have that cover. Kara said and Julia nodded.

"Ok, so I need you to touch this rock." Lena said and everyone go ready to grab Purity can put her in the containment cell until they could get into the Valley and get her to drink the water.

As they saw Julia start to separate from Purity Mon-El, Kara and Astra grabbed Purity quickly and put her in the containment cell. Brainy looked at them and said "Ok, who is going in this time?"

"I think it should be the people who know the Valley." Mon-El said, which meant that since Kara, Sam and Alura went in the first time it should be them again.

Kara, Sam, and Alura relaxed in the chairs and waited for Brainy to put a device on Kara's forehead, which once was activated, they were sent into the Valley along with Purity.

"Ok, lets find Purity so we can get out of here." Sam said.

"Remember as long as you have the ring on you will have powers in here. They will allow us to withstand Purity's scream as well." Kara said.

"Well that's good to know." Alura said.

They continued looking for Purity when all of a sudden, a loud scream is heard and something powerful hits them in the back. The scream was strong enough to send them staggering but it didn't bother their ears with their super hearing and all. They turned around and separated so that it would be harder for Purity to take them out.

Kara attacked first which meant while Purity was focused on her, Sam came from behind her and hit her head hard enough that it knocked her out. Once that was done, the three heroes picked Purity up and carried her to the pit where the water was. When they got there, they stuck Purity's head into the water that would take her powers away. At first it only took two of them to hold her because she was still out but once her head hit the water, Sam had to come up from behind her and hold her head in the water until they knew that she had had enough. They felt Purity weakening and then all of a sudden there was no more movement. They pulled her out and saw that she was dead.

They woke up in Lena's Lab to find everyone watching that to see if they were successful. Kara said, "Well at least that only leaves one more world killer, even though she is probably the most lethal being that she can infect anyone with just a scratch."

"Yes, I will be glad to help with Pestilence since she becomes so dangerous in the future." Imra said.

The team nodded because Imra did deserve to help take Pestilence down for all the pain she caused her in the future. They decided that that would happen another day being that everyone was tired and wanted to go home for the night.

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