Chapter 40

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The next week Kara was working on getting the paper ready to go to print so that people could get it the next morning. There was not much to do right now superhero wise, but she knew that Leviathan would make itself known before too long, so she knew that she and the team had to be ready.

She picked up her phone and dialed a number and the call was answered "National Daily News, Lois Lane speaking." Lois said.

"Still can't get used to you being all professional. Anyways, how is your shadow doing?" Kara asked.

"She is doing well. We might need to watch out for her, or she might find a way to take over this whole company." Lois said while laughing.

"Well I am glad that she is doing good with you. From what Oliver tells me, she will be a great asset to the company and she never gives up no matter how hard things get for her." Kara said.

"I can see that. She will have a nice long career in journalism if she keeps up the way she is now. I even had her write an article today, so that she knows how when she has something that she really wants to get out to the public." Lois said.

"That's a good idea. She will need to know all she can. Especially if she is going to be editing articles for the branch in Star City." Kara said.

"I don't think that we will have any trouble with her. Thea is ready to run her own branch now, even without any training. Once she is done with the two weeks that she will be spending with the both of us she will really be ready." Lois said.

"Mind if I talk to Thea for a minute? I have a few things to talk to her about." Kara said.

"Sure. I will transfer you to her now." Lois said.

About thirty seconds later Thea answered the phone saying, "National Daily News, Thea Queen speaking."

"Oh Rao, she is rubbing off on you." Kara said while laughing.

"Hey Kara, how have you been?" Thea asked.

"I have been good. I was just calling to see how things are doing in Metropolis for you." Kara said.

"Everything is good. I am learning a lot here. Not that I didn't learn a lot from you." Thea said.

"I know what you meant. It is always good to see how different people run things. You can pick and choose what you want to use from each place." Kara said.

"Yeah. So, are you still planning on opening up the Star City branch next week?" Thea asked.

"That is the plan unless you think you might need some more time to learn. I could always send you to Central City next week to shadow Iris." Kara said.

"No, I think I know enough for now. I will let you know by midweek as to whether I think I need more time." Thea said.

"Things won't be going that fast at the beginning anyways because there will have to be word of mouth from people who have read our work in the other cities as well as you having to hire people to work for you." Kara said.

"Yeah that should be fun. I haven't had to deal with hiring people since I worked at Crimson and also Verdant on the old earth." Thea said.

"You will be fine. So, Lois told me that she had you write an article today. What was it about?" Kara asked.

"Well I figured that since I will be based out of Star City that I would write an article about vigilantes and how they are good for the city. People need to know that we are not there to hurt them. We are just there to make the city a better place." Thea said.

"Sounds like you have a lot of passion for it. How is the wedding planning going?" Kara asked.

"We have finally started. We wanted to wait until we bet Darhk before we got to deep into the planning." Thea said.

"That was probably a good idea. Let me know if you need any help and I will be right over." Kara said.

"Thanks, but I don't think I will need any more help. If I didn't know any better, I would think that Laurel was an event planner or something." Thea said.

"Anyways, I better go. I have to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow here. I will talk to you later Thea." Kara said.

"Bye." Thea said as she hung up the phone.

"I think Star City is going to be just fine with her in charge of that branch." Kara said to herself.

It was starting to get late and Kara had finally finished putting the finishing touches on everything before sending it to the printers so that it would be ready for the people in the city by the morning. Once she was done, she stood up and went to the Tower so that she could see what was going on up there.

"Hey, what are y'all doing up here." Kara said to Winn and Nia.

"Oh, we were just talking and watching to make sure nothing bad was happening in the city." Nia said.

"Ok. So, do you think you can get a message to Brainy somehow?" Kara asked.

"Yeah, I can do that. We made a device that will help us getting in to contact with the legion just incase we every needed them for anything." Winn said.

"I need you to get in touch with him and see if he can think of any way to stop Leviathan. I also want you to go work with Lena on that as well Winn. You two always did make a good team." Kara said.

"I will head over to L Corp as soon as I am done sending a message to Brainy." Winn said and Kara nodded.

"Ok, thanks. I am going to head home. Give me a call if anything happens that needs my help." Kara said as she walked out of the room to head home.

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