Chapter 35

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Over the next couple of days Kara was busy getting everything ready for the opening of the newspaper companies in Central City and Metropolis. It had turned out that Lois had decided she wanted a partner as the head of her branch.

"So, how does it feel to be working for your cousin?" Kara asked Clark over the phone.

"It's a dream come true." Clark said sarcastically and Kara laughed.

"No, seriously though, I am proud of everything that you have accomplished, and it would be my honor to have you as a boss." Clark said.

"Thanks, that means a lot." Kara said.

"Yeah, I am just glad that Lois made us co-managers. I don't know if I could have worked under both of you." Clark said and then he laughed.

"I can understand that. I could use some advice though. What do you think we should do about these Agents of Liberty that are popping up everywhere?" Kara asked.

"I'm not really sure. They are starting to cause a lot of trouble. At least you got the Vice President out of office, that way they can't take over the Government like last time." Clark said.

"Yeah, and right now Lex is still in prison, but that didn't slow him down last time. Maybe if I can sneak into his cell when he is gone, I can take him down for good. He had a secret room behind his cell last time with all sorts of incriminating evidence last time." Kara said.

"That sound like a plan. Let me know if you need any help." Clark said.

"I will. Talk to you later." Kara said.

"Later." Clark said as he hung up.

"So, how is Kal?" Alura asked as she walked up to her daughter as she entered the tower.

"He is doing good. He was just telling me about how the new newspaper branch is doing." Kara said.

"About that. I am so proud of you for your own newspaper and also expanding to other cities. If you keep it up, you could possible have a branch in most of the major cities in this country." Alura said.

"Thanks mom. It always helps to have you support." Kara said.

"Everyone of us will support you. We will always have your back. So anyways, some of the people of Argo want to come and see what Earth is all about. Do you think it would be a problem if I brought some of them through the portal?" Alura asked.

"I don't think that would be a problem at all. It would be good to see some of the people that I have not seen in a long time." Kara said.

"Yes, it will be nice to see some of my old friends as well. I will bring some of them here in a few days." Alura said.

"That would be great." Kara said as she went up to Winn who was at his computer keeping an eye on everything going on in the city.

"So, is there any trouble for me to take care of out there today?" Kara asked.

"Nope, looks like it is going to be a slow day." Winn said and just then the alarms started to go off.

"You had to say something didn't you?" Kara asked because she thought she was going to get a day off from superhero duties.

"What's going on and where do I need to go?" Kara asked.

"You need to go to the part and from what I can see, it looks like a dragon is there." Winn said.

"A dragon. Really. They are not real." Kara said.

"Well look at what I just pulled up on the cameras around the park." Winn said.

"Wow. It is a dragon." Kara said as she changed into her suit and flew toward the park.

It took a while, but Kara was finally about to get control of the dragon. Kara saw that it was wear a image inducer, so she activated it and the dragon turned into and Iguana. She found the owners of the dragon and returned it to them and then she flew back to the tower.

"I can't believe I just fought a dragon and won. That would have been so cool if it hadn't have hurt a few people." Kara said.

When Kara arrived at the tower, she saw that the whole team was there. She was going to tell them her plan to take down Lex and possibly slow down the growth of the Agents of Liberty.

"So, I have a plan for stopping Lex this time around. Now that I know he has his own secret room located behind his cell, I am going to break in when he is gone and gather all the evidence I can to make sure that he doesn't see that light of day again and he will hopefully be in solitary the whole time." Kara said.

"Sounds like a good plan. What about the Agents of Liberty?" Alex asked.

"Hopefully I will be able to find information in Lex's notes about Ben Lockwood, that way we can get him locked up as well. Once we take Lockwood down the organization will probably just fall apart because he is their true leader. Even though he is being manipulated by Lex." Kara said.

"Sounds good. When do we put the plan into motion?" Alura asked.

"We need to wait for Lex to leave so I can get into his secret room without him noticing." Kara said.

"Where would he be going when he leaves? It's not like he has a clone of you like he did last time that he had to keep going to check on." Alex asked.

"As far as we know anyways. Who knows what is out there in this new world Oliver created?" Kara said.

"So, now that we have a plan, I guess we just have to sit and wait for Lex to make his move. Kara said.

A/N: Kara had J'onn erase Lex's memories of the old Earth so that he would not remember who she or any of the other heroes were that helped with crisis. That would be too dangerous, and Lex might have also outed some of them.

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