Chapter 25

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The team had worked over the next week to setup the tower so that it was operational, and they would be able to work out of it. Once they had everything the way that they wanted they started to come up with a plan to defeat the last world killer and going after Selina and her friends on Argo.

"So, who do y'all think we should go after first?" Mon-El asked.

"Well, we now know where the last world killer is so, maybe we should go after her first. Selina is not a threat for now so we can go after her later." Kara said.

"I agree, we all know that soon Pestilence is going to become more active, so we need to stop her before she infects even more people then she already has." J'onn said.

"Ok, but how are we going to stop Selina and her friends? I mean they are really dangerous. They could always just make knew world killers after they get out of jail. They need to be stopped, and there is only one way to make that happen." Astra said.

"Are you suggesting what I think you are, sister?" Alura asked.

"I think it is the only way. Kill them and burn all of their stuff so that no one else can get their hands on it and start making more world killers." Astra said.

"You can't be serious. I know that I did a lot of bad things and sent a lot of people to the Phantom Zone that might not have deserved to go there, but I never wanted to kill anyone." Alura said.

"I think Astra is right though. It is the only way to make sure that no one can every make world killers again. I don't like the idea of killing someone, but I have seen enough to know that sometimes it has to be done." Kara said

"I will even do it. You know I have no problem killing." Astra said.

"We will see about that. I have another friend that I might bring along as well." Kara said.

"Ok, so all of that is settled. Who wants to go after the last world killer?" Kara asked.

They ended up sending Kara, Sam, and Imra to get Pestilence. They showed up at the hospital that Grace Parker worked at and they could see that people were already getting infected by her. They all split up and when Sam got to the third floor, she saw Grace and she called Kara and Imra so that they could all go after her together.

When they all got together at the end of the hall they started to walk toward Grace and when Imra reached her, she shot a concentrated dose of kryptonite into her arm which pretty much incapacitated Grace and the Kara knocked her out.

When they got Grace back to Lena's lab, they locked her up in the containment cell and used the black kryptonite on her, so the Grace was separated from Pestilence. When they had finished separating the two, they sent Kara, Sam, and Imra into the Valley of Juru with Pestilence. When they got there, they started to look around so that they could find Pestilence.

Once the team found Pestilence the knocked her out and took her to the pit of water. Sam and Kara grabbed her arm and they let Imra take her head being that this was personal for her. Once they dunked Pestilence's head into the water she started to wake up and struggle to get free. Imra held her there until there was no more movement. When they let her out of the pit, they realized that she had died just like the rest of the world killers.

When they left the Valley of Juru, they found the Grace had been taking back to the hospital and admitted for passing out. The team was glad that they had finished dealing with the world killers, so they decided to go out and celebrate.

Kara brought the first round for everyone. They were having good conversation and having a good time. Kara decided that she and Alex were going to go play pool. Kara was just trying to get lessons on how to play the game because she was no good at it and Alex was like a pool shark.

James and Winn decided that they were going to do Karaoke. After the two of them had sung their songs. They ended up talking Kara and Alura into going up and singing a song as well. They already knew that Kara had a good voice, but they ended up finding out that Alura had a very nice voice as well.

Once they were done singing Karaoke, they were not ready to call it a night yet, so Kara brought up going to her apartment and having a game night. They all ended up playing charades and when they were done with that, they played Jenga. They were all having so much fun that they played games for about 3 hours. Once they were done with the games everyone that did not live in the apartment called it a night. After Kara, Alura, Astra, and Mon-El were done cleaning up the mess that everyone made they started talking about their plan for going after Selina and her friends.

"I just don't like the idea of killing them." Alura said.

"Ok, we will try the diplomatic way first and give the council all of the tapes that you made while you were spying on them while you were back on Argo mom, but if the council does nothing, I am going to send a friend to take care of everything for us. Does that sound ok." Kara asked.

"I can get onboard with that." Alura said

"Who is this friend that you will send Kara?" Astra asked.

"I will leave that a secret until we actually have to use that option." Kara said and everyone nodded.

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