Chapter 24

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It had been a couple of weeks since the team had taken down Purity and they still need to make sure that Pestilence was the same person and they would also need to get information that would help take down Selina and her friends on Argo. They would be sending Alura, Astra, and Sam to Argo to spy on Selina, while Kara and Mon-El would keep an eye on Grace Parker to see if she was still Pestilence.

As Kara walked into the office that day for work the first thing she heard was "Kiera!" coming from Cat's office. Kara walked into Cat's office to see what she needed.

"Kiera, I have decided that I am not going to leave this time around. I found out on the old earth that I missed working here and I don't want to give it up this time." Cat said.

"That's good Mrs. Grant, but I don't understand why you needed to tell me this." Kara said.

"Well, being that I have been grooming you for my job, I didn't want to string you along anymore. I do have a proposition for you thought." Cat said.

"And that would be?" Kara asked.

"Listen to everything that I have to say before you interrupt me. You will understand when I am done explaining. Do you understand?" Kara nodded. "I am cutting the newspaper branch from Catco." Kara was about to interrupt but Cat held up her hand to stop her. "You will open a Newspaper company of your own which will have Catco and L Corp as investor. It will be a Newspaper company and so much more." Cat said.

"What do you mean by so much more Mrs. Grant?" Kara asked.

"Ms. Luthor has told me about this tower that your group had on the old earth. We would like to invest in your newspaper company while also finding anything else that happens in that building if you get what I am saying." Cat said.

"I think I do. We can all get away from the DEO and work for ourselves." Kara said.

"Exactly. I have been grooming you to be in charge. I think it is time that you take that chance and run with it." Cat said.

"Thank you, Mrs. Grant. I will won't let you down." Kara said.

"Ok. You need to start working on getting your company up and rolling so I will give you 2 weeks off with pay. After that you are on your own until you get it up and running." Cat said.

"Well I guess I had better get to work then." Kara said and she left Cat Office to go talk to the real estate agent about buying the same building that J'onn bought on the old earth.

The real estate agent said that the building was really cheap for where it was in the city. No one wanted to buy it for some reason. Kara was glad of that because she was able to buy it for a good price for her. She then thought about a name for the newspaper. The name "National City Daily News" was available so she sent in the paperwork for the name of the company and also any licenses that would be needed to run the company. All of this took her about the whole 2 weeks to take care of, but she had done it. Now she had to go talk to Mrs. Grant again.

"Mrs. Grant, would you be alright if I hired all of the newspaper journalists from here being as you won't have a newspaper branch as of next week?" Kara asked.

"That was my plan all along. So, how is everything coming?" Cat asked.

"I am pretty much ready to go. Just need to hire some journalists." Kara said.

"Very good Kiera. Now you and I are going to inform all the newspaper crew that they will work for you at "National City Daily News" because there will be no more newspaper at Catco." Cat said.

They went and made the announcement to all of Kara's coworkers and for the most part everyone was fine with the announcement because most people liked Kara and they knew that they would be working under her one day because Cat had been grooming her.

Now that all the business stuff was taking care of, Kara and Mon-El were going to go check out Grace Parker and see if they could find any links for her being Pestilence. They spied on her when she was at the hospital that she worked at and when she went home. From what they had seen so far Grace was not showing anything world killer worthy. They would have to continue to keep an eye on her.

Over the next couple of days of surveilling Grace, they started to pick up on people getting sick that had been around her. Kara was finally sure that Grace was the person that they were looking for. Now they just had to wait for the rest of the team to get back from Argo so that they would be at full strength.

A few hours later Alura, Astra, and Sam returned to earth through the transmat portal. When they got back, they shared what they had learned on Argo. It appeared that it was the same three that had been responsible on the old earth. The group had taped meetings between the 3 at each of the people's home over the last 2 weeks saying what their plans were and what they were hoping to happen once everything happened as they wanted it to. They had everything they need to take the 3 women down now. They just needed to take down the last world killer first.

This meeting had been held at the DEO. Kara looked at the group and said "There is something I need to show you all. I have been working on it for the past 2 weeks."

Everyone nodded and they followed Kara as she flew to her new building. "What is this place Kara?" asked Alura.

"This is my new newspaper company. James, Nia, and I will work here, but what I really need to show you is upstairs." Kara said as they walked upstairs, and they saw what was going to be their new lair. Everyone was really impressed.

"The levels above the ground floor will be used by the team for inventions and anything else that would be done at the DEO. This way we can get away from the government and do things the way we want to." Kara said.

"How are you going to pay for this Kara?" Alura asked.

"I bought the building for cheap. Mrs. Grant and Lena are investing in the paper and our other work in this building as well. So, we will be well funded." Kara said and everyone nodded.

So now all that had to be done was for all the people who worked at the DEO, such as J'onn, Alura, Astra, Alex, and Winn, to resign and start their new jobs as working in the private sector.

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