Niall faking sick*extended

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Nialls P.O.V:

I laid in my bunk, staring at the ceiling as the bus jolted through the county side. I had never been more tired in my life. This whole touring thing was beginning to wear me down, there was never a break. I'd reached the point where I was too tired to sleep. My legs continuously ached and I was just so out of it all the time.

I glanced at the clock. 5:22 AM. I groaned and rolled over. In an hour and a half I had to get up and go through yet another day of rehearsals, shoots and simply standing up. Don't get me wrong, I loved it all through and through, I wouldn't be here if I didn't but seriously, everyone needs a break every now and then. 

A stray idea entered my head and I thought for a minute, guilt  before I'd even done anything.

About a month ago Liam had gotten ill, strep throat, and he'd obviously been given a few days to rest up and get better. Exactly what I needed. I felt bad even thinking about it, but couldn't I just  . . . pull a little sickie? Just this once? It couldn't do much harm really, it would just give me a day to recuperate and at the moment there was nothing I wanted more.

My mind was made up, the plan was in motion.


Liam's O.V:

"Catch Li!" were the two words I heard before my world became submerged in pancake. I peeled my breakfast off my face with a laugh and set in down on my plate just as another was thrown at me speedily, hitting my chest. I picked it off and glared playfully at Harry who was readying another pancake to throw at me. He giggled and biffed another one my way.  Louis was the next target as he walked into the kitchen sleepily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I laughed out loud as he was greeted the same way I was.

We talked about today's plans, we had a photo-shoot at ten o' clock, and interview at two and then another interview at six, as we ate breakfast, laughing and joking around  like total idiots.

"Is Niall still sleeping?" Louis asked through a mouthful, being the first to notice that someone was missing.

 "He's usually the first up." Harry frowned, picking at his last pancake. 

I hummed thoughtfully, it was a bit odd. "We're all tired, he probably just hasn't woken. I'll go check in."

I whipped Niall's curtain open and shook his shoulder gently, trying to wake him up without earning a slap. "Niall, Niall, wake up dude," I whisper-shouted, still shaking him. After a few moments he groaned and rolled over, his arms laced around his stomach tightly and a grimace on his soft features. 

"You alright?" I asked him worriedly. We were all dead tired, we didn't need somebody getting sick now, not with our schedule.

"I don't feel good Liam," Niall muttered into his pillows, dragging out my name. Oh god, here we go. We were so screwed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"My stomach hurts and my head is pounding," he said, rolling away from me again and tucking into a small all beneath his blankets.

"Why don't you come out and have some breakfast, maybe you'll feel better after you've eaten," I suggested, hoping that that was just all it was. He wasn't pale or sweaty or anything like that so hopefully we could just get some food into him and that would be it, he'd be fine for the rest of the day.

For a minute didn't move or speak. I reached out to touch his shoulder, "come on, just give it a shot?" 

A low moan rumbled through him but he sat up, "fine."

He climbed out of his bunk and I followed him out to the kitchen where he sat down at the stools with a hand still resting on his stomach. The rest of the lads had left, gone to get ready or watch TV or something. "What do you want to eat?" I asked Niall, studying his face. He had a weird look on it; I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.

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