Food poisoning at an interview parts one and two- for chanelle_1DAF

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Liam's POV:

"I don't want to go!" Harry whined, rolling over onto his front and curling his knees in like a little kid. He sounded like one too. We had somewhere to be and at this point the rest of us were getting annoyed.

"We don't have a choice, Harry!" Louis' voice was getting louder and louder as he struggled to get the fact through Harry's head. We had been here for ten minutes now, trying to get Harry up and moving. We were due at a live interview in just under an hour and we couldn't exactly be late.

"But my tummy hurts!" Harry complained, his voice muffled slightly by the pillow he'd decided to bury his face in.

"Quit acting like a two year old would you? It can't be that bad, you don't have a fever, you look fine! Please can you just try?" Niall joined the argument, starting to look a little irritated as well. I ran a hand through my hair, feeling a little stressed now. We couldn't be late to this interview, that was a pet peeve of mine. We weren't going to be those celebrities who thought that everything ran on their time.

"Please Harry?" I tried gently, playing the 'good cop' role. 

He defiantly shuffled to the other end of the bed, his arms wrapped around his middle tightly. I felt a bit bad but Niall was right, we had checked for a fever and he was all normal, and he looked the same as always so lunch was probably just disagreeing with him. We all had eaten from the massive sushi buffet down stairs so I wouldn't be surprised. It would be just Harry's luck to get the one bad piece.

Louis huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, "we're going to do this whether you like it or not Harry, it's up to you if you want to do it the easy way or the hard." 

Harry stayed silent. 

"I warned you," Louis stated blankly and in one swift motion tugged Harry's long legs out from underneath him, causing a loud yelp to echo off the walls around us. He then gripped Harry's ankles and pulled him off the bed, setting him on his feet. He gestured to me and then to Harry's feet as he pushed his arms under Harry's arm pits. I caught on and grabbed his feet, struggling to hold him as he kicked out in fright.

We started for the door, Niall snapping pictures and having a good laugh behind us and Harry spoke up, "alright, fine, put me down before puke on the lot of you!"
I smirked as I let his feet drop to the floor. He glared a little and then went on in front, pulling his jeans up as he went.

We made it through the hoards of fans waiting outside and were hurriedly shoved into the van one after the other. The door slammed shut and I winced as a headache leaped into my skull, thumping painfully. Great. Just what I needed.

It was a half hour drive to the venue so we had a bit of time until we got there. Thankfully Harry crashed after five minutes of complaining so we didn't have to listen to him for the whole way.

"I think. . ." Louis blurted suddenly, looking a little confused. 

I frowned at the incomplete sentence, "you think what?" 

"I think we need to pull over," he said, sounding a little bit panicked. His head bobbed as he swallowed.

"Why?" I glanced at Harry. He was still sleeping, clutching his gut but otherwise looking okay. My gaze shot back to Louis questioningly.

"I'm going to throw up," he stated with a gulp.

"What? Like right now?" Niall jumped in his seat, hitting his head on the ceiling. "Ow. . ."

Louis gagged in response, his eyes going wide as he slapped a hand over his mouth. I didn't miss the drop that managed to get through his fingers and onto the floor in front of him.

One Direction SickficsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora