Harry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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"Up Jacko! Right now! We're late, were late, we're late!"
Light flooded the room and I groaned, rolling over to bury my face in my pillow.
"Nope, you've gotta move fast today Bud!"
Someone roughly shook my shoulder. I grunted, whacking their hand off. Did they really have to be so rough so early in the morning? That hurt.
I swallowed with a wince as I forced my body to sit up. My throat had been kind of sore yesterday and while I'd be hoping it would have gone away over night it just seemed to have gotten worse instead. It felt as if a million needles were jamming into my throat a thousand times a second, and then when I swallowed they all just twisted.

It wasn't until I stood up though that I though maybe it was more than just an overworked throat. Being on my feet felt strange. I'd gone to sleep early last night but I still felt absolutely exhausted, like I might melt into the floor if I couldn't manage to keep all my muscles engaged.

Plus I was freezing and had a headache. Great start to the day.

"Move it Jackson!" Mum yelled from somewhere in the house.

I sighed and rubbed at my forehead tiredly. I wondered if mum and dad would let me stay home today to sleep off whatever this was. If I asked soon enough they'd probably be persuadable.
I trudged out into the lounge, shivering with my arms wrapped around myself. I should've really put a shirt on before I headed out.
Mum ran past in the same amount of time that I blinked. She dashed into the kitchen and started throwing together lunches like some kind of super mum, food flying everywhere. She was yelling to Dad about helping Mara tie her shoes.

She wouldn't have even heard me if I tried to say something. I caught a glimpse of the clock and realised why everyone was in such a hurry. I knew we were running late, but I didn't expect to have exactly eight minutes before I was due to leave.

Everything chaos, there was no way I'd get a chance to talk to either of my parents about staying home. Dad was probably already waiting for me in the car knowing him.
I filled up a glass of water from the tap and took a sip, thinking that it would help soothe my throat. Apparently I was wrong because all it did was make the needles triple in size and stab even deeper. It burned.

I went off to my room to get changed and then to the bathroom to wash up. I tried to go as fast as I could but I was feeling so sluggish that it took extreme effort just to button up my shirt. As a last minute thought I threw on my jersey, hoping to get rid of the goosebumps and put an end to the shivering before I had to leave the house.

I put on my shoes, packed my bag and grabbed my lunch off the counter before dragging myself out to the car where sure enough Dad was already waiting.
"Aren't you hot in that?" Dad frowned as I plopped into the front seat.
I pulled a confused face. Whether I knew it or not, I was weary about talking. With how sore my throat felt I had no idea what kind of sound was going to come out when I tried to speak.

"Your jumper Jack. It's warm this morning" he explained further as he turned the car on. I shrugged and reclined the seat back a bit so I could lean my thudding head back.
We followed Mum and Mara down the driveway and then all they way down the street until we turned one way and Mum's little red Nissan went off in the other.
Dad tapped along to some beat only he could hear as we drove in complete silence to my school. Usually we at least tried to make conversation, but I guess today he was just in a rush and too focused on getting me to school on time to worry about chatting.

We pulled up outside a few minutes later, "see ya, good luck on your English test."
I froze, halfway out of the car. Shit. I had totally forgotten about that. Of course on the day that I feel like total shit I have to present a stupid speech in English. A speech of all things. I think it's second to last period too which just makes it even worse because I know how tired I'm gonna be by then.
I mean, there's a chance that this is one of those night time illnesses where it gets better during the day and then worse at night but knowing my luck so far I doubted it.

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