Liam stomach bug

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Liam blinked in the dark slowly, unsure of why he was even awake. It had to be in the early hours of the morning and he usually wasn't awake until at least six. As he rolled over a burst of pain shot through his stomach and he groaned. That's why he was awake.

Thankfully the band was on break so he wouldn't have to rush around in the morning as per usual.

Liam placed a weary hand on his moaning stomach in an attempt to settle it but found that even the slight pressure almost had him gagging. It was not going to be a fun day.  He glanced at the clock on his bedside table, it read 2:02 in bold numbering. He thought about getting up and grabbing some pills to try and get rid of the awful stomach ache by the morning but decided against it. He couldn't be bothered and moving came with the risk of agitating his guts even further. Instead he simply rolled over carefully and tried to ease back to sleep, his knees curled into his chest like a little ball.

After a good hour or two of struggling to even keep his eyes closed, Liam fell into a restless sleep.

He was woken again at about 9:30 by a joyous shriek erupting from downstairs. Liam grunted in response and rolled over onto his sore stomach. It was uncomfortable but it shielded his eyes from the blaring sunlight that was creeping across the room from underneath his blind. Unfortunately his bed was right next to the window. His head was aching along with his tummy now and although it wasn't too bad right in the moment he felt that it would probably get worse before it got better. Why did the band have to choose today to come over and be noisy?

Another scream made its way to his ears from downstairs and his head throbbed once more. He sighed and opened his eyes narrowly to adjust his eyes to the light. He wasn't feeling well and he just wanted to sleep without being awoken by hysterical laughter and shouting every ten minutes.

He slowly sat up in his bed, one arm wrapped protectively around his grumbling gut. A dull wave of nausea flickered through him but it was easy enough to control thankfully and Liam kicked his legs over the side of the bed before getting to his feet and getting changed into a pair of grey sweats and a comfortable black T-shirt. The lads were gathered in his living room playing on the PlayStation.

Harry was the first to notice him leaning on the door-frame. "Hey Li, finally up sleeping beauty?" He grinned, pressing a button on his controller that paused the game. Liam simply grunted and shot him a glare.
"A little grumpy today are we?" Niall chuckled.

"I'm not in the mood," Liam stated, knowing he was being rude but he was too tired to care, "I feel like shit."

"Aw, but we're on holiday!" Louis complained with a frown, not looking impressed at all. Liam tiredly rolled his eyes as he felt Louis' inquisitive eyes scanning him from top to bottom. "You look kinda bad. . ."

"You do," Harry agreed, "we can leave if you want."

Liam just sighed, "no, it's alright, just try to keep it down please." He gulped as his stomach cramped up again. It didn't feel good at all. He was definitely in the process of coming down with something.

"Do you want me to make you breakfast?" Harry asked, already trying to get out of his seat on the beanbag. Liam shrugged, not really knowing if he could keep anything down at this point. He could already feel last night's dinner sloshing around in his tummy and he wasn't sure he wanted to add to it.

"How about a piece of toast?" Harry asked.

"Okay," Liam said, deciding that he should probably eat something. Harry smiled at his answer and tugged him into the kitchen where he sat Liam down at the bar-stool and busied himself in the kitchen.

"Do you want to take any medication? It might make you feel better?" Harry shook the box of Panadol Liam kept on top of the microwave. He hesitated before answering, knowing that it would help the headache but maybe stir up his stomach even more.  

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