Niall hurt- for JennyPham3

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"Oi Ni, do something interesting" Louis said, falling into step next to me.


I was confused, but I wasn't surprised. I'd heard some strange stuff from Louis' mouth over the years and trust me, that didn't even make the top fifty.

"It's too quiet, just do something," he explained a bit further, eyes twinkling in the light from the nearby streetlamps. Layers of cloud hid the moon and all the stars, the lamps were the only source of light this late at night.

 I rolled my eyes, tucking my hands into my jacket pockets. There was a cool breeze out, whipping through the trees and making my eyes water slightly, "you do something."

Apparently his solution to the silence was to kick everything he walked past, making loud banging and thudding with every few steps.

"Lou, what are you trying to accomplish?" Harry questioned in amusement, trotting in front and spinning around so that he was walking backwards. He was smiling widely,  teeth glowing in the light.

Louis just grinned in response, sending a stray stone flying at a brick wall with the toe of his boot, "noise. Anything. I'm bored."

"Someone's gonna call the cops soon, saying that four guys are loitering around outside making a ruckus," Liam said with a laugh, "and guess what Nialler? The rest of us will blend in but with that blond tuft on the top of your head, you're toast."

 I scoffed playfully, "shut up, you know you love it."

Suddenly a brief but loud, shriek pierced through the night, shaking any birds out of the surrounding trees. If we weren't in the middle of the city I probably would've ran for my life.

Instead I stopped still, as everyone else did the same.

"What the hell was that?" Liam blurted from beside me. I squinted, scanning every dark corner. There was nothing there.

 Harry shook his head in confusion, "I have no idea."

"Get away from her!" Came a ear piercing yell, somewhere on my right. This was a guy, I was pretty sure.

"Something's going on," Louis muttered, shuffling on his feet. I was too, and to be honest I wasn't sure whether I was itching to run, or to help.

"We're the only ones out here, we can't just leave, come on."

 Harry gestured for us to follow as he took off in the direction the screams had come from. I couldn't help but wonder what the plan here was. There were four of us, which was better than one I supposed but there could be any number of 250 pound thugs waiting for us wherever we were going.

 I wasn't exactly the scariest looking guy either, I was more of a comic relief than anything.

I was quick though, and I rounded the corner first, coming to a soft stop as my eyes landed on the three guys at the end of the alley, shoulders back and fists clenched. 

One, with a shiny bald head and strangely small ears, even from where I stood, had another guy in an arm-lock on the concrete. He was squirming, struggled against the harsh grip but I could tell he wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

"I'm calling the cops", Liam decided, digging his phone out of his pocket before he'd even finished his sentence. He plugged the emergency service number in and mumbled into the phone for a few minutes while I inched closer to the group. I just wanted to see what was happening before we leaped right in.

"Niall, stop, where are you going?" Louis whispered after me, grabbing onto my arm.

"Hang on Lou, I'm just looking," I answered in a hushed voice. He let me go with a nod and I crept closer and closer, until I could hear what they were saying.

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