All sick- for irish_dancer

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I knew I was getting sick but I didn't expect to be waking up in the godly hours of the morning, spluttering and choking on stale air. Apparently my unconscious mind wasn't intelligent enough to let my mouth open when my nose finally grew too blocked for air to pass through.

Groggily I sat up and coughed a couple more times. Afterward I groaned and just sat there for a few minutes, my head sagging forward over my chest. I always catch those stupid colds in winter and it seriously sucks. There is something lucky about the timing this time around I suppose, we're in a nice hotel with cosy heating and we actually have a few days to ourselves before the next scheduled event. At least I can be sick without having to drag myself around all day for once.

I leaned over and guzzled back some water from the bedside table before the dry tickle in my throat made me cough again. I didn't want to wake anyone. The water burned slightly, making me realise the stinging pain that had been there all along. I should've gone and got some medicine then probably so that I wouldn't be feeling a hundred times worse in the morning but I felt all sticky and gross and not particularly like going on a hike to try and find some so instead I just blew my nose as quietly as I could and tucked myself back into bed. The duvet had lost its heat and was all cold against my body, making me shiver a hard for some time but soon it warmed back up and as long as I didn't shift at all I would be able to fall back to sleep, toasty and warm. No moving, no swallowing, and no sniffling, then I couldn't be reminded of the cold in both definitions.

Until I needed to pee of course.

Quickly the feeling grew more desperate and with a frustrated grunt I got out of bed, leaving the warmth behind. At least I'd thought to put on socks before I went to bed, unfortunately the same couldn't be said for a shirt so I shuffled over to my suitcase sprawled messily on the floor to throw something on before I went to the bathroom.

Strangely, it wasn't all that quiet now that I was actually paying attention. It was the middle of the night, or early morning, and usually everyone was fast asleep, dead still in their beds, however tonight I could hear a lot of movement, rustling and wriggling and tossing about. Someone was snoring, or mumbling, and then as I zipped my case back up I swear I even heard the fridge open.

After doing my business and briefly ransacking the bathroom to see if I could find any cold and flu meds I figured I might as well go get a drink before I go back to bed. It was just four am but after walking around and stuff my brain seemed to think it was late enough morning to get started. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get back to sleep at all.

I had been right earlier about the fridge. Liam was out in the middle room, sat cross legged in front of the heater with a glass of water in his hands.

I yawned through a greeting as I shuffled over to the fridge. Rather than getting a glass I simply grabbed a new bottle, "what are you doing out here?"

Liam slowly spun around on his bum to face me, his face splotchy from the heat. He opened his mouth and tried replying, only creating a messy and broken sound that made me wince, hard. It didn't sound good and I knew it had to be painful. The look on his face as he attempted to clear his throat only proved my thoughts. 

He went to try again but I quickly stopped him, "no, don't talk. I think I get the idea. Feeling crappy?"

Liam nodded unhappily.

I wasn't that surprised that this cold had spread over the both of us. It was usually how sickness worked within the band, hardly ever was it just one of us that got sick at one time due to how much time we end up spending in each others company.

I took a careful sip of water, trying to ignore the twang of stinging pain as it slid down my throat. It hurt, that wasn't debatable, but then I thought of how poor Liam couldn't even talk an decided that I'd gotten off lucky.

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